- Edited
there are other ideas like how courses/seminars take place
(those cannot really be disconnected from other things that happens outside or after the so called building named university or school, institution)
restate the an idea with different words
the procedure is the following,
take a situation with people involved-
< it is there sound based communication (or do letters appears?)>
a) yes [ ]
b) no [ ]
if a ) than how could it be different ?
if b) than <it is there music οΈ
? (or sound pollution
οΈ ?) >
b.a) yes [ ]
b.b) no [ ]
going further implementing, a fast change
lets say there is an organization where there is a certain communication between people
and there is a specific agenda internal or external for changing the organization
imagine a liquid solution containing only different molecules (except for the solvent that is the same) that is mixed up with an other solution in a way that each is reacting to become a new desired solution where all initials have changed separately)
each individual has to be trained separately for that specific goals of the new desired organisation.
how this training has to happen if not with people that knows how to new kind of communication (invented language, than other methods . artists fashion designer , those that start movements brings change.
people in various social postions are being (in) formerly trained also by movies television
how /why movies have gotten to be in this situation to train/educate/influence people ?
( who knows? maybe television is not that bad or can be used differently
there are lost lots of possibilities imagine television like only education university level education no news or other things)
next topic, advertising,
the same
some people using various communication techniques want to influence/train other people
i can remember old commercial's .. it is here in this an potential idea for how educational system could work in the future?, with messages designed to last a lifetime and have desired(educational) effects in specific moments or like the unlocking of a puzzle maze , with levels . this is a lifetime slow change
better/new/different attention economy systems- means also improving/changing interaction languages/ behaviors