- Edited
since nobody asked me any (maybe not so foundational)questions . i have to add complete
earplug forgetting to wear
an unexplored space of deaf interaction languages intermediated by external communication devices
later completion )
language gift english - german vergiftung
recieveing gift an act of communication that is monologue / a change of type
this comes from learning firstly the german word that has the sense of poison/ toxic
than get used with the wonderful gift of english meaning , of an object virtual mental /real that is being caried , moved/ displaced from a person or multiple persons to an other person with multiple purposes like for example making a compliment, appreciating
this order of learning has insipired me to be skeptical of any gift
and in terms of potentally constructable languages for me means a gift is a change of type in terms of communication that is ireversible .
when people talk the use and reply in the same area/ domain , they use voice/ body language .(or just sign language)
the domain of real time communication that imply answers quickly
counter example
imagine a language that uses phrases with an interval of delay( like a constrained conversation , with preimposed rules/ play/ game conversation) where the participants must reply with a minimal -maximal amount of pauses between each turn. lets say if someone say something with at most five verbs. and the other must reply only after two days, but under three day . how such a conversation would take place, what would be the themes.
now imagine an entire culture that uses this for a couple of generations .
later completion( <- returning to external devices like a communication tablet that uses drawings instead of spoken voice,
or an even more extreme example neural cyborg like brain implant).
what would be the challenges , a behavior like this that is reflexive / automatic/ used often in many (social)situations ..
means a good /strong learning in the childhood, going to work and forgetting the tablet would could be a a serious problem , having it stollen a catastrophe especially if the tablet has its own by the user personalized memory- this
might be a clue that the tablet has to be with standard -memory, - vocabulary of words. like an external dictionary mentioned in a previous post.
if its not hardwired ( habitual) than it is required a strong commitment that is a conscious decision to stick with a set of rules to behave in a certain way . in the present day distracting environments like cities that has lots of stimuli that tends to deplete attention -want it or not
the word tablet here could be replaced with many other carried things: silence earplugs, watch, smartphone, pet animal ,wallet, glasses , necklace, bag of food , bottle of water, backpack, agenda ,hearing aids,
inn ear headphones (hearing aids), can be used like ear deafening devices, however if a person just wear them or listens to music it is unknown to other people; that's why an other space of unexplored possibilities lies in to headphones ( or whatever devices around ears) that have a way of indicating a status of what happens with the ears of the person
if i close my eyes other people can see that i cannot see .
if do that with the hearing (sound amplification ,devices) there are multiple potential situational awkward communication interferences .
designing languages, might mean accepting and taking for granted always a slow process of establishing / agreeing on meanings, before the actual communication take place.
-because/ in spite /pay attention!/ beware/ anything can be refined, changed, little adjusted, disputed, nuanced, flipped over,
the limited amount of reaction times is what makes usually the dialogue happens ,