comment wearing a deaf hat. i haven't said it , ignoring the practical , many books in literature , novels, biographies, other kinds of literary expression , are with letters i think there should be an effort to translate in to pictures and explain it word by word ,
with the drawings/ handshapes pictures/ specific sign interaction language of the country , nearby or around the original letters but also other kind of explanations visually

lots of ideas and intuitions are being lost just by seeing the letter like shapes and not having the underlying sound based phonotactic .

this ultimately could make normal hearing people write with images, not only having more deafs be literate
this comment does not take in to account many factors, science economy races, specific work position like acting or politicians, marketing,or even language teachers, because those make extensive use of this phonotactics, if those are being explaned in every literary book such that even a deaf can understand them ,than there are some societal problems -(witch personally i think there are / (exists) anyway, in al the countries), i'm not saying that this idea will solve them

going sci fi, (maybe) there could be writing systems that are dynamic and use camera capabilities to track the eye and have a morphing landscape symbols, reacting to how eye scan the surface in order to decipher the meaning. differently said, if letter are the solutions to pencil and paper , given new tech, how could info be presented.

6 days later

an other idea is: if you cannot be moral/ ethical about data, don't collect it until you can,
why? because lots of data brings lots of complexities and is putting _the hard to be moral_s problems

organic society growth, where morality is also a technology to be considered.

if you say we don't know what right and wrong than try to create /rotate between moral system as random as possible,
how long should be a random system? (take in random fortune teller and time guessers based on syncronicity πŸ™‚)), or until a crysis appear)

the question isthen maybe a crysis is making the sistem more robust towards certain purposes and gives lessons and it should not be changed randomly, at the moment of crysis, only after the lesson have been learned.

how can a system be changed randomly ?people learn and have a limited changing mind,
and of course how is a system defined, the use of certain words may be as important if not more important then the words themselves, system could take a couple of generations 150 years plus 20 years for change afterthat another 150 years ofa different system,( this sitem could be local among other isolatedsystem or interconnected with other system, or global ,orin between, local and global - this list is notmeant to search all the possibilities just to start a line of thought .

ideally i tend towards anything explainable and at anytime verifiable provable by any-whom, with as little tools as possible-
al human media saturated with real knowlegeflowcharts, with warnings and materials that are neccesarily to accomplish goals(this flowcharts must be maintained minimally
,i have no realife experience constraints so this part is nonsesense
what if a flow chart can be broken modified such that only certain persons can read it or only three persons that follow a certain procedure of team problem solving ,to focus on this idea -how a flowchart should be designed that onlyandonlythree people can read it that is simple, how a flowchart should be designed such that only certain kind of three people can read/understand it- that is a topic for extended scientific research, what i consider is gender intelligence imbalance. follow up question /idea aflowchart that is decipherable only in a certain amount of time 10 years 20 years, to an extreme entire school or other institution replaceable with flowcharts,imagine extraterestrials that have a natural medium that can be easely be flowcharted, white/blackboards like surface vegetation growing on the soil and not decomposing or some minerals walls that lets itself be easily painted and this is the interaction language of the species

there is a scifi online community forum worldbuilders debates
not visual,with letters like here.

7 days later

there are other ideas like how courses/seminars take place
(those cannot really be disconnected from other things that happens outside or after the so called building named university or school, institution)

restate the an idea with different words

the procedure is the following,
take a situation with people involved-
< it is there sound based communication (or do letters appears?)>
a) yes [ ]
b) no [ ]

if a ) than how could it be different ?

if b) than <it is there music πŸ”ˆοΈ 🎼 🦻 ? (or sound pollution πŸ“’ πŸ”‡πŸš«πŸ‘‚οΈ ?) >
b.a) yes [ ]
b.b) no [ ]

going further implementing, a fast change
lets say there is an organization where there is a certain communication between people
and there is a specific agenda internal or external for changing the organization

imagine a liquid solution containing only different molecules (except for the solvent that is the same) that is mixed up with an other solution in a way that each is reacting to become a new desired solution where all initials have changed separately)

each individual has to be trained separately for that specific goals of the new desired organisation.

how this training has to happen if not with people that knows how to new kind of communication (invented language, than other methods . artists fashion designer , those that start movements brings change.

people in various social postions are being (in) formerly trained also by movies television
how /why movies have gotten to be in this situation to train/educate/influence people ?
( who knows? maybe television is not that bad or can be used differently
there are lost lots of possibilities imagine television like only education university level education no news or other things)

next topic, advertising,
the same
some people using various communication techniques want to influence/train other people

i can remember old commercial's .. it is here in this an potential idea for how educational system could work in the future?, with messages designed to last a lifetime and have desired(educational) effects in specific moments or like the unlocking of a puzzle maze , with levels . this is a lifetime slow change

better/new/different attention economy systems- means also improving/changing interaction languages/ behaviors

to advertise myself , my approach to my own education is wide exposure at all levels top down and some basic works
and ready to start learning /researching all in details following a background intuition experience

i live with my grandmother because she is giving me food, but i would really appreciate if i could move in to an other place

if i am to go to a deaf university i will learn more advanced sign language otherwise its depends .
i'm interested and follow from distance since 2007 news around quantum and unlike many people that share this interest speeded effort only math and a little computer science no physics - bachelor level or otherwise ,

so what i want to bring to table is not knowledge in particular, instead a different participative / way of doing science (at least for me and the people i would have the chance to have conversation.)
if for this i could also get a salary in some sort of educational settings it would be perfect.
if questions i'm open to answer.

can i still make comments indefinitely , ? when is this competition over ? it is already yet? , i got used with the nickname.

    cristi marcovici

    Dear Author,
    regarding your questions about the competition, it seems obvious to me that once the winners are chosen and declared, it is automatically closed. Since I also participated in it (with an essay entitled "Is Truth the Daughter of Time?"), I have decided to publish this post under my real name. FQxI had communicated, as part of the contest rules, that at the end of it all the authors' names would be revealed. But this was done only for the nine prizewinners, while all the other more than one hundred authors still remain anonymous, about three weeks after the contest is closed. This inequality, without giving reasons, is not justifiable (unless an author has individually requested to remain anonymous), not least because several of us would like to know the names of authors we have read, or rated, or judged particularly interesting, or who have commented on our essays.

    Turning to your essay, I appreciated its freshness and originality, especially in the second part, where you show imagination and visionary ability in imagining counterfactual (but not far-fetched) situations and in envisaging modes of communication other than alphabetical writing. I believe the latter has emerged in history because it is extremely ductile and affordable (with twenty or so symbols one can produce an infinite amount of texts) compared to more distinctly visual, or sonic, forms of language. But it is, as you suggest, not necessarily the best or the richest in meaning. And the spread of information technology, and now of AI, makes it easier to know, use, and experiment with other forms of communication, more suited to individual needs and sensibilities.

    I have read and would like to continue reading some of your other posts, which are to varying degrees always interesting and thought-provoking, but since I, like you, am not a native English speaker, I need time, which I often lack, to understand them well.

    For now, I wish you all the best, for your life and hopes,


    yea right Carlos along the lines ecology communication sign language interaction and deviations

    i remembered the idea with the trash: cities are typically covered with road concrete etc.
    it is easy to drop trash on the floor. why not designing the trash to be specially drooped on the ground, at the same maybe the ground itself could be more waste integrating friendly

    star trek cyborgs or starcraft's zergs are graphically and story designed to look bad

    this is related with why some occupations appeared in some country s and not in others

    badabimbadabum, evolution has found the best solutions? or there or other places of stability in potential bio-eco systems?

    etc, mind verbose (science) rumination thoughts in the process no conclusion reached .

    procrastination is not viewed like a good activity ,there are tutorials, how to stop procrastinating
    by viewing this video i have learned first time in 2010 about the word, i placed it in the good words metaphorical box and tried to behave accordingly
    to an extreme to not want to know until i can figure it my by self out, that also could means / [only now i have verified if this is how its written - that's mean:)]/significate/en] das bedeutet/ das heisst de] это Π·Π½Π°Ρ‡ΠΈΡ‚ ru]cela signifie fr]: experiencing problems , developing some mental schemes before having a vocabulary.

    in the process of deciphering writing there is not word by word ,sound out of word translation, sometimes there has to be some back and forth such that its sounding right, giving the presence of new text, the right sounding might not be unique .
    what would be an extreme of that. how can this feature be used ?

    i have a point of view / or agenda/ program / vision,
    this however needs stepping back with because is an 🎨 idea 🎨 with lots of implications, that are not possibly resumed to a single solution proposal . i looked at various,( fractured landing examples) /suddenly out of nowhere appeared situations, that can (each one or some of them) be in itself/themself entire well developed concepts , and tried to use those to accentuate/ make contrast/ for the main idea.

    in 2020 i watched more closely the writing and computing

    this year, i have focused on the society .

    a special -education/science career- case is for the people that are blind
    not discussing the cover of the ears
    this brings a layer of difficulty for educational materials

    how could a blind be learning geometry intuitively ,
    i had the chance to discuss with a blind that has completed university , and he had no knowledge of geometry ,
    there are special teaching materials, i think there is a lot more that can be done.
    (first thing that comes to mind is moving fine surfaces like a screen)

    in the same spirit why not having full education with eyes covered, for the people having good vision*

    this is a sensory focused ( specialized education ) social environment design.

    there is a special attention given to mobility /accessibility ( for the ability to stay upright bipedal)
    why not even more investment in what is in the domain of senses. (language and thoughts)

    • the rationale for it is that just by seeing something the mind perception is changed,

    to extreme imagine a scenario where a group of individuals has some kind of tradition/ convention to see only a certain type of thing once a month (maybe some math proofs for example, the rest of the time to be eyes covered ,
    this is a kafkaesque self imposed prison like scenario,
    placing it in a good light there could be valuable lessons for the mind

    eyesight play a major role in cognition, the problem is that by evolutionary design the stream of image with proper healthy functioning eyes is like a broken switch , always on , the same happens with the ears
    imagine a person that decide to open and close alternatively left eye/ear and right eye/ear so long he is awake ,
    is there something unique in such an exhausting activity that teach all the others valuable lessons?

    what other experimental extremes are possible in this realm ? (and worth trying)

    back to blind with ear covered,
    a puzzling question is how a blind mirror could recreate a close / equivalent experience with that of a sighted person ?

    except for the color of objects , other educational environment aspects are surprisingly similar to those necessarily for a deaf, the thing that is in common- namely the interaction/communication with the external words by hands

    a comparison i have made is of floating boats , imagine instead of a blackboard or white board that can hold on ink or chalk maybe in a little bits of layers of various nuance that have to be erased all over at once with a wet/dry eraser/sponge,

    there could be a writing method with a little depth water basin and the symbols (not letters) are floating at various depth such that there is a writing in space not just in lines and where the n-arry relationships can be explicitly made with strings of thin plastic or suspended ink that are easy to reconfigure and replaced

    by changing the management of symbols standard medium , it is possible that also different science could emerge.

    6 days later

    = πŸš— = LOS

    los (namen los /without name , sprechen los/ without speech, [de] /[en])

    car [en] los[de] πŸ”€ without [en] verkehr[de]

    in the normal use of language means getting used with a certain sets of metaphors, that we call words
    and those are being assembled in typical ways, to create other larger scale metaphors (that are the higher level meaning of sentences

    if there is a forcing that try to connect unusual metaphors higher level of meanings are at risk of to not appear at all or the meaning is not unique,

    in order to try to understand what (if anything)

    by making vague comments(and no specific question) i cannot refine / or change the metaphors towards a closer approximation that will make you better understand

    i could perfectly assume that you don't understand any of the words and need to have patient to explain it each individually,

    in the last few month i have written a few thousands words! there are a lots of drawings to be made!
    if shall stop writing any more , otherwise i won't be able to catch up.

    The peruser shouldn't need to apply a lot of exertion to attempt to figure out consider the possibility that (anything) the creator is attempting to convey, subsequently the creator needs to work significantly more to send some type of apt perspective.

    Like so many times before and feeling a bead of sweat form on his sun-beaten brow, the dog launched himself upwards, jaws open, full of expectation edged with uncertainty, to retrieve the flying disc from it's azimuth; no dog had done this before.

      resource factors

      the sensation i have when i write is like the edges and corners of meaning , stretching in many ways to make clear room for the ideas , if i am to make a histogram with all the words used my vocabulary is constrained an limited

      if i have an idea,, and i dont want to store(reinforce ) it in the written form i have other techniques for memorization like for example writing with objects ( placing them in various positions) and repeating the thought idea until it is fixed
      other people practice a techniques with telling a story ,
      slightly related comment
      an image about a few megabytes has more memory than my entire vocabulary possible in all languages i know
      this is something i think often

      imagine type of handwriting that recapitulate many of the memories with a certain word/ idea that is much slower, higher bandwidth for each word ,
      and this handwriting has lots of hooks, or binding points that can be expanded at will in a sideway meanings or they are connected across horizontally

      now speaking of a visual with drawings handwriting
      if the meaning is in the actual shapes and the drawing techniques
      who would care if a line has a certain slope and not an other or if i have used a special drawing instrument

      so its a problem of caring ,( giving any dams) about a specific content of communication.

      if people talks nobody say, wow you have pronounced this word with a nice sounding melody.

      the same with draw-writing : this three figures are well aligned and at the right size and colors, is it the angle between the center of figures also part of the message ( question asked by drawing /animating the same with different angles)

      roughly speaking a communication medium has things that can be varied (abc)

      a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c
      a b c a b cπŸ‡¦ b c a b c a b c a b c πŸ‡§ a b c a b c a b c a
      a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c

      a person has to use the things that can be varied to explain those things
      that cannot be varied and constitute the message. ( ABC)
      (ABC) = (relA(abc),relB(abc),relC(abc))

      a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c
      a b c a b cπŸ‡¦ -------ABC------- πŸ‡§ a b c a b c a b c a
      a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c

      the number of #(abc) to chose from is much larger >> than the number of messages # (ABC)

      it is unfortunate that the symbols typically chosen are from some alphabets
      that interfere with sound based communication

      why would changing them it every time :
      would be a good thing ?-for practicing general pattern recognition maybe even notation hybridization and symbiosis
      and a bad thing? -for focusing on the deciphering and not how it relates with other knowledge

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