Kelvin McQueen I have just finished reading your essay. I'm sold, the falsification tree is a promising scientific methodology. Infact I would like to add and ask your opinion. I've been thinking a lot about how AI will be used in science to evaluate theories and papers. But rather than merely asking AI for its subjective opinions, if would be better if we programmed the AI to follow a rigorous methodology. Your falsification tree or some variation of it might be just the thing. Whats your initial impression of this idea?
By the way, I prompted Chat GPT to review and rate your essay. You'll like what it had to share. I'll post after this comment.
Having read your essay, I wonder if I could persuade you to employ your methodology on my theory? If you've read my essay then you'll know the case I make for a Darwinian Physics and cosmology. Will you be willing to process my ideas with your methodology? At least a tentative sample?
For example "Cellular Biology and atomic physics are two different systems that possess the same structural theme and behavioral themes. ie, systems of units comprised of a nucleus shrouded within a shell, with the capacity to bond with each other and build bodies. My hypothesis explores the possibility that this is an example of co-vergent Darwinian evolution, where two diverse systems evolve similar themes because they face similar circumstances and evolve similar themes in response. Atoms are extraordinarily special little building blocks, as are cells, and it would be nice if science could provide an explanation for atomic specialties other than chance creation. And we know of a powerful organizational principle which has demonstrated its propensity to generate a system of the same general theme. This is good reasoning, however like you pointed out in your essay, people are married to their beliefs such as planetary epicycles, and in modern times people wont consider anything that contradicts big bang theory. My essay presents some of my reasoning, and they are good reasons. But people critique these very reasonable and valid arguments and ideas as if they didnt suspend their disbelief for even a moment in time, which is the appropriate thing to do. They never honored the points raised with the question "what if it were so". As I said, no suspension of disbelief. Tunnel vision.
Anyway, given the theme of your essay, I cannot help but relate to the issues you seek to overcome. I would love for people to employ a method that aided objectivity.
Kind regards