Georgina Woodward
Georgina, why do you never pause to think or to check your spelling?
Everything in the human mind is seemingly a higher-level conscious concept. And, of course, mathematicians have very high-level, highfalutin concepts and ideas about numbers. But the real-world numbers, categories and law-of-nature relationships of physics are very low-level aspects of the world.
These numbers, categories, and relationships are no accident, and no mistake: they are mathematically necessary aspects of the real-world system.
High-level human minds can consciously conceptualise the low-level number, category, and relationship aspects of the world. But it is logically necessary that the low-level world ALSO, in its own way, knows its own numbers, categories, and relationships. Obviously, this necessary aspect of the low-level world is the foundation out of which higher-level knowledge/ consciousness is built.
The question of what exists, and what can be inferred to exist, is quite separate to the question of measurement, and the units of measurement. Only the categories can potentially be measured; the low-level numbers can be discovered via measurement of their associated categories, the low-level numbers themselves can't be measured; the laws of nature can't be measured; consciousness/ knowledge can't be measured. However, people CAN still represent numbers, laws of nature, and consciousness/ knowledge with special symbols.