Hi William Orem,
I read the abstract of your linked -work-. Would have read more if easily accessible and free. The singularity that provides the whole universe from nothing is such a problematic idea for me that a sensible theory that avoids such a structure seems worthwhile and interesting. My main problem with your outline is that you allow local time reversal. What exactly does this mean to you? Is it just spatial processes running in the opposite direction or is it an exact reversed replay of events?
Many processes can run in either direction. Sand can be deposited sand can be eroded. Groups of organisms come together, groups of organisms disperse. Chemicals can combine and chemicals can be broken apart.This all occurs within what we regard as constant direction of the arrow of time. The processes may change direction but the hands of the clock continue to move in the same direction as does the progression of the sun in the sky.
What constitutes time in those local regions where time reversal occurs?Is it what is happening or is it what it is compared to? What determines time there, the local clock, the outside reference frame clock of an outside observer?, the direction of absolute movement?
If time is reversed rather than just overall processes, gravity also runs backwards and becomes anti gravity as do all forces, pushes pull, pulls push. Atomic spins are reversed, magnetic poles that attracted now repel. How is the reversal of all physics accomplished? Is it just wild speculation or is there some compelling reason to make that assumption?. As you can tell I am very skeptical about this possibility. As an "armchair philosopher" I see no reason to assume that it happens. Though I would be very interested to hear your explanation of why it is good and works.
I think that all change in a material object universe is spatial and spatial change can take place in either direction, without effecting time. Time is an artificial measurement of change and allows perception of the the sequence of change, either using celestial changes or a clock of some kind. The sequence of spatial positions can repeat itself without time being repeated or be reversed without time reversal, such as the swing of a pendulum or any oscillation. At each oscillation the object has a new absolute position in the universe although occupying the same local space reference frame. That is it is within the bounds of an certain 3d space under consideration but due to the movements of the celestial bodies over many scales the cumulative effect is a change of position unaccounted for except as time. Only by reversing the movements of all of the celestial bodies and reversing the effects of all physical processes can time run backwards. It is nearly as preposterous as a singularity. Rule breaking.
I have not read the entirety of that work and therefore may have completely misunderstood. Please forgive me if that is the case.I expect that it is constructed to fit with space-time relativity etc. However that space-time model is based upon time delay ( perhaps I should say spatial sequence progression delay) distortion of the image formed from photon data. It tells us what will be observed (image ) not what is ( material reality). The space-time universe thus formed is not the material universe that exists in purely spatial simultaneous now,(not the present).
Your thoughts, explanations of reasoning etc would be much appreciated.