Dear Edwin,
I feel pleased by your kind interest, and I appreciate your hints. No, I did not yet read Penrose and Nahin. What about magics, I decided to quote [13] Peat's essay as to elucidate Pauli's mysticism and its influence on quantum theory.
Having learned a solid step by step approach to complex calculus at TU Dresden from 1960 to '66 and subsequently taught fundamentals of EE for more than forty years at Otto v. Guericke University Magdeburg, I cannot confirm any mystery of i.
Already Bombelli understood that a+ib is always appears together with its complex conjugate a-ib. There is a very simple but compelling argument against the belief that i may be interpreted in terms of reality: The chosen negative sign of the argument in exp(- i omega t) is not just arbitrary agreed on, but it even depends on which scientific discipline has been chosen. I was told: More than a hundred years ago, the EEs decided to prefer anticlockwise rotation by multiplication with i in order to get as little negative signs in complex power of propagating signals as possible.
I collected a lot of seemingly mysterious oddities and asked myself for reasonable explanations. I am a bit ashamed because I not immediately understood that the oddities with use of complex calculus go back to something that proved at least also superior as compared to ancient mathematics as now is complex calculus. I am speaking of what deserves the name first mathematical revolution: introduction of differential calculus.
You asked for opinions and insights concerning ih and ict. Well, you got aware of as I am claiming most important consequences affecting 20th century theories in physics. Thank you for addressing this. If you are ready to read my essay carefully and open for accepting your own conclusions, you will hopefully not shy back from what seems to be unbelievable. I am waiting for those who will try to rebut may basic argument: No matter how useful negative as well as imaginary numbers are, reality can be expressed without them. A lot of apparent symmetries can be attributed to inappropriate interpretation of per se correct mathematics.
In my abstract I mentioned three affected interrelated mathematical pillars of physics. Did you understand from my essay how they are interrelated?