
I can see what you're saying, but can't see how it could be in any way falsifiable or resolves any problems. But I can see it could provide scaled 3 dimensional oscillation, which does have to be addressed at some time. How would the polarisation and charge processes work?

The spiral form in the DFM comes from the blazar (See photographic evidence of Centurus A etc.) and the quandrupolar CMB asymmetry analysis. It's logic is the resolution of the twin opposing jet problem from an essentially symmetrical toroid black hole. A tokamak toroid is effectively a closed ended rotating helix with the fields rotating round the body. (Tokamaks are the nuclear engineering basis of fusion reactor research).

There is talk of micro black holes, which may certainly place the helix in the quantum domain! You certainly deserve a good score for imagination alone.

Does any of that help your model?

Best wishes


    Hi Peter,

    I can tell that you have a deep and detailed understanding of many technical fields which I'm not familiar with unfortunately. My thinking is still very much in the abstract form. I'm not so keen on the micro black hole idea just yet, but maybe it's a feature which will need addressing at a later date. There's another angle concerning the latest LHC results of 'flocking particle emmissions' which I'm having a dialogue with someone about and how the helical model can help explain it. I'll give the link below. It may be worth reading the comments as the site holder seems very interested and is looking into it all in further detail.


    "In its first six months of operation, the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva has yet to find the Higgs boson, solve the mystery of dark matter or discover hidden dimensions of spacetime. It has, however, uncovered a tantalizing puzzle, one that scientists will take up again when the collider restarts in February following a holiday break. Last summer physicists noticed that some of the particles created by their proton collisions appeared to be synchronizing their flight paths, like flocks of birds. The findings were so bizarre that "we've spent all the time since [then] convincing ourselves that what we were see ing was real," says Guido Tonelli, a spokesperson for CMS, one of two general-purpose experiments at the LHC.

    The effect is subtle. When proton collisions result in the release of more than 110 new particles, the scientists found, the emerging particles seem to fly in the same direction. The high-energy collisions of protons in the LHC may be uncovering "a new deep internal structure of the initial protons," says Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, winner of a Nobel Prize for his explanation of the action of gluons. Or the particles may have more interconnections than scientists had realized. "At these higher energies [of the LHC], one is taking a snapshot of the proton with higher spatial and time resolution than ever before," Wilczek says.

    When seen with such high resolution, protons, according to a theory developed by Wilczek and his colleagues, consist of a dense medium of gluons--massless particles that act inside the protons and neutrons, controlling the behavior of quarks, the constituents of all protons and neutrons. "It is not implausible," Wilczek says, "that the gluons in that medium interact and are correlated with one another, and these interactions are passed on to the new particles."

    If confirmed by other LHC physicists, the phenomenon would be a fascinating new finding about one of the most common particles in our universe and one scientists thought they understood well."

    Thanks for the comment about the imagination, much appreciated! Alan

    I have just thought of a mental image to describe the proton i.e. hydrogen nuclei. The three quarks, which are in ring donut helical configurations are linked in a chain. The centre quark is neutral, with opposite travelling ring helices within it's donut. The outer two quarks are the same config as each other, with the same directional spinning helices. This gives an overall torque on the three linked quarks, which accelerates the entity into an overall spin. It's a analogous to a catherine wheel spinning, with the centre quark acting as a pivot and the two outer quarks providing the synchronised thrust. Catherine wheel

    Some scans of my drawings can be seen here, see post #3; Spiral Structural Fractal Index (SSFi) in QM Describes Quantum Particle Interactions imo

      It's the fast spinning ion which creates the hydrogen bond by giving the emitted gravitons a larger helical form!

      Hello Alan,

      I am not totally approving of your essay, though I enjoyed it. However; I need to express my gratitude. Or perhaps, I need to inform you - at least - that I am flattered you have used resources I created, as I'm primary author of the Wikipedia article on Fractal Cosmology. Some of the same material also went into a journal publication in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, as it turns out.

      I've thought about the LHC flocking effect myself, though I think it relates to entanglement and decoherence. I think this effect is likely explainable by a fractal spacetime fabric, as well, however. I'm afraid the Archimedes' screw example is a bit of a stretch as that device works 'because' of gravity, so it takes effort to imagine it as the cause. On the other hand, the same is true for the commonly-used example of the deformed sheet.

      But thanks for making the effort to participate.



        FYI -

        We have been talking about Muller's work on Climate change over on the Azimuth forum. I just downloaded the orbital inclination paper you provided. Thanks for that. And thanks also for writing a paper that made me think without making my head hurt.



          I'm really excited that you've picked up on their paper. It's just the mechanism which is lacking imo. Please think about how an inclination tide could drastically effect the strength and direction of the ocean currents which are critical in the determination of the onnset of glaciation. It's a good fit if one assumes that the 360 mile wide innermost core of the Earth is both made of a non-standard matter and is rugby ball shaped, as if standing on it's end waiting to be kicked. See here []Earth's New Center May Be The Seed Of Our Planet's Formation[/url]. I'll take a look at the Azimuth forum when I get the chance. My parents are visiting at the moment so I feel quite busy. Thanks again, Alan

          Hello Jonathan,

          It's a small world then! I was overjoyed when I found the Fractal Cosmology entry on Wikipedia, I didn't think it would be in there. The moderators of online science forums dismiss this topic out-of-hand, but that's probably just a reflection of their scientific knowledge more than anything.

          The mechanical screw is a better fit than a spacetime fabric! QM is all about mechanical particles which interact just like an Archimedes screw does. What better way to combine gravity with the quantum world?! Nevermind, we have a difference of opinion on that one then.

          Thank you for your kind comments about my essay and the new ideas. Kind regards, Alan.

          • [deleted]

          Hi Alan,

          Your "spirals of spirals" ad infinitum sounds similar to Sreenath's logarithmic spiral (Golden spiral?) and similar to my expectations of fractals and scales.

          I need to read your essay more thoroughly and comment on the Archimedes screw idea.

          Have Fun & Good Luck!

          Dr. Cosmic Ray

            • [deleted]

            Hi Alan,

            Reality is both fractal and discrete. For instance, I think that reality is a(near?) infinite Cantor set with several self-similar scales, but we observe integer numbers of dimensions (3 space 1 time), not fractal numbers of dimensions. Perhaps fractals and scales combine using properties similar to Lucas Numbers (please see my essay) to form perfect integers.

            Regarding Archimedes' Screw, this could be related to String Theory, where gravitational field lines, and the length of the screw, follow strings. The rotation of the screw represents time, and the extremely fine thread of the screw (fine because it must represent the normally weak gravitational force) is a result of scales. If all screws have the same thread pitch and rotation, then all applied forces would be solely attractive or solely repulsive. In the case of gravity, we know that this is strictly attractive.

            Have Fun!

            Dr. Cosmic Ray

            • [deleted]

            I wonder how screw thread pitch and rotation is related to CPT symmetry?

            Hi Dr. Cosmic Ray,

            I appreciate you reading my essay and thinking about the helical screw idea for a graviton. I need to read your explanations more thoroughly but also agree with the similarity to String Theory. I'm currently modelling the proton-proton bond in a hydrogen molecule, which is trickier than it sounds. I'm currently toying with the mental imagery of fractal helix rings which are twisted into Mobius figure-of-eights. It's proving fruitful and something which I'm pursuing dayly.

            Thanks for your comments,

            Best wishes, AlanAttachment #1: Moebius_Surface_1_Display_Small1.png

            • [deleted]

            I've just encountered the Wikipedia entry for Bose/Einstein condensates which has a section describing vortices and mentions analogue gravity research:

            "Vortices in Bose/Einstein condensates are also currently the subject of analogue gravity research, studying the possibility of modeling black holes and their related phenomena in such environments in the lab."

            • [deleted]

            Hi Alan,

            We may be thinking along parallel lines.

            If a Black Hole is static (I'm not sure that it can really exist, but consider the question), then quantum gravity may build a spacetime lattice similar to a Carbon-60 buckyball/ soccer ball/ truncated icosahedron just outside of and surrounding the singularity. This symmetry could potentially be stable against the crushing gravitational (near?) singularity.

            If we have a rotating Black Hole, then torsion from the spinning Black Hole may cause a pair of nested Buckyballs to morph into their homotopic cousin, a lattice-like torus. This lattice-like torus has some similarities with your Mobius figure.

            I was worried about how discrete toroidal lattices could transition into continuously differentiable spacetime, but it may be as simple as Philip Gibbs "qubits of strings" idea. Basically, the lattice point is the end of a string (and the strings expand within the Black Hole as Sreenath's logarithmic spirals), and a large number of lattice points and strings exist (10^41 or more) such that spacetime seemingly blends into a continuum.

            CPT symmetry almost makes it sound as if different pitched or rotating Archimede's Screws may represent forward vs. backward time evolution, matter vs. anti-matter, and attractive gravity vs. repulsive dark energy/ Cosmological Constant.

            If you read my essay, you will see that I have been trying to incorporate the different spin statistics (Maxwell, Bose and Fermi) into my ideas. I think that Inflation was caused by the breaking of the original TOE symmetry. We may generate self-similar scales via such kinds of phase transitions (as Inflation - this also ties into Coldea et al's magnetic quasi-particle masses near a phase transition), and our Observable Universe may be just one of several self-similar scales (the quantum scale is another).

            Have Fun!

            Dr. Cosmic Ray

            Alan thanks for responses above. I agree and am predicting toroids are the way ahead with a pretty fundamental range of applications. I note I didn't seem to have rated your essay so expect a boost. Hope you'll rate mine if you haven't yet.

            Best wishes


              • [deleted]

              Hi Peter,

              I left this for Alan on this blog site on Mar. 7, 2011 @ 14:58 GMT:

              Hi Alan,

              We may be thinking along parallel lines.

              If a Black Hole is static (I'm not sure that it can really exist, but consider the question), then quantum gravity may build a spacetime lattice similar to a Carbon-60 buckyball/ soccer ball/ truncated icosahedron just outside of and surrounding the singularity. This symmetry could potentially be stable against the crushing gravitational (near?) singularity.

              If we have a rotating Black Hole, then torsion from the spinning Black Hole may cause a pair of nested Buckyballs to morph into their homotopic cousin, a lattice-like torus. This lattice-like torus has some similarities with your Mobius figure.

              I was worried about how discrete toroidal lattices could transition into continuously differentiable spacetime, but it may be as simple as Philip Gibbs "qubits of strings" idea. Basically, the lattice point is the end of a string (and the strings expand within the Black Hole as Sreenath's logarithmic spirals), and a large number of lattice points and strings exist (10^41 or more) such that spacetime seemingly blends into a continuum.

              Perhaps we are all thinking along parallel lines? I had some other comments that tied into Alan's Archimede's Screw idea as well.

              Have Fun!

              Dr. Cosmic Ray

              Hi Doc,

              Yes, we definitely are thinking along the same lines, more than I initially thought in fact. The football-to-torus tranformation link was most appreciated, that's exactly what I'm on about. Very nice graphics. I'd forgotten about the simple knot shape, so that's particularly useful. I'm now understanding how other people's ideas are more similar to my own than I first realised. Thanks for bringing the details to my attention. I'll endeavour to give your essay another look a.s.a.p.

              Bye for now, Alan


              Thanks for the vote, I need all I can! I've scored your's and appreciate the connection with the toroidal shape of structure at certain scales. It's a fascinating journey that we are all on and the answer to a full t.o.e is within our lifetimes and most likely within a year or two imo.

              Cheers, Alan

              Here's an attachment to explain the idea of a graviton travelling around a wraparound universe which would then seem like a force of repulsion. I'm talking to an interested third party in his Subrealsim blog. The second diagram shows my latest thoughts about the structure of the next scale up from helix rings..Attachment #1: Note2.jpgAttachment #2: Note1.jpg