• [deleted]

Are we not the physical manifestation of the universe understanding itself...Does time really exist except in our perception of it..maybe what people think is the spiritual world is nothing more than other universes not perceived by us ie..Dark Matter and Dark Energy..

  • [deleted]

Are we not the physical manifestation of the universe understanding itself...Does time really exist except in our perception of it..maybe what people think is the spiritual world is nothing more than other universes not perceived by us ie..Dark Matter and Dark Energy..

Garry, thanks for your reaction, as I wrote it is our consciousness that is the first "observer" and so causes the wave function to collapse into the particle function, so is the cause of the origin of our universe, the universe is as you mention understanding itself , it is us who cannot understand it 100%, because of the fact that we will never be able to know the whole TRUTH, we are able to observe only 5% of the matter, in our consciousness we understand infinities, that are not possible in the material 4D causal universe we live in, the other 95% can be other universes that will be undertood (also partially , when they are restricted like us) by other consciousness, thinking of them operating all together is a beautifull thought.

keep on thinking free


  • [deleted]

Dear Wilhelmus,

Total Simultaneity is the Steady Big Bang State of the universe and conscience or singularity is the source. What we can see and feel with our senses is what comes out of TS or a big bang, but what we can know with in our selves is what is the source of the bang or TS.

There is no gravity, no entropy, no mass, no energy, no space-time in singularity or absolute conscience, yet it is the source of them all.


Sridattadev.Attachment #1: 3_UniversalLifeCycle.doc

  • [deleted]

Dear Wil and Gary,

Once you experience the singularity or universal I with in, you will realize that there is absolutely nothing but your self and everything is what you want it to be, just a manifestation of the self.

I superpositioned my self to be me.



2 months later
  • [deleted]

intuitive Pink belt external turntable WomenCal 2385 self winding movement 40 clearly see the balance wheel is the .

16 days later
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Since I was quite young, I have had moments of intuitive experience that I could not really define, except to describe them as an "awareness" that all moments (past present and future) are contained within THIS moment, NOW. These moments that can be described as feeling this way would come without prelude or effort on my part. I was not reflecting or meditating on these concepts.

They do not happen as often as they used to, but they do still occur, particularly if I wake in the middle of the night, in those first few moments that I am returning to an ordered sense of self and time, the normal "me" and "now".

In addition to these experiences I have had other moments of strong intuition that this physical plane of being is not always how its been for me. I am NOT talking about past lives or anything literal like that. These are purely, for lack of a better word, cognitive/spatial/spiritual experiences, and they are fleeting, and not part of any contemplative practice.

Anyway, while this is not per se on topic, I think it speaks to something about how we might be experiencing TS as you are describing it. These moments have been unquestionably moments of truth to me, truth beyond (even my own need for) analysis or any sort of skepticism. They stand apart from "ordinary" conscious experience but take place and move fluidly in and out of a fully awake non altered state (often during the day). I have not tried to re-create them. I hope they continue to happen as they have. They are memorable moments of being.

    Congratulations Aynat, you are one of them whose consciousness has a special ability of being "aware" of TS, each human has, but everyone is different . To be honest with you this is why I participated here with FQXi, just to be sure that my point of view from the scientific side is not just a pile of bullshit. It is accepted and published (with slight alterations)also with "The Scientific God Journal", www.scigod.com , volume 2, issue 7. I am working now on the religious and esoteric side of the human awareness and my study of for example all the monotheistic religions show immense paralels with my scientific theory, also your experience is one of these proofs about the functionning of our consciousness. (Just one example : Christianity : God the Father : TS; The Holy Ghost : our consciousness that is an intermediaire between the human being and TS, the Son : our material existence, the bearer of the consciousness, and this goes for all relogions !!!) If you agree I could refer to your experiences.

    best regards

    keep on thinking free


    2 months later

    I hope that FQXi is thinking about a new conquest, since one year of participating with the atricles and blogs the basic idea of my essay did not change but it has more causality as I thought for other areas of science and philosophy.

    Once the game is played no one visits any more the threads of the essays (only if you are mentioned on the home page (thank you for that FQXi)), it remains a silent wittness of the thought experiments of the interested people of our planet.

    keep on thinking free


    a month later

    Just an idea FQXi :

    Could the next essay conquest deal with the question :

    Is there something inbetween Cause and Event ?

    This question deals also with the beginning because if there is thare is someting before the Cause , it deals with a lot of scientific questions.

    Hope to hear someting from you

    think free


      • [deleted]

      Dear Wil,

      I can say for sure that universal I or singularity exists before any cause (big bang). I causes everything. I is the root of TS.



      Dear Sridattadev, I agree with you that the root of Ts is consciousness, and it will always be the consciousness of the "I". Consciousness has no masst nor length nor perceptable energy, to call it a singulairity is in line with mathematical CENTER. In our material causal universe with its limits (as for now Planck length and time) the singulairity does not exist, if it exists in TS is a different question I think. The center of our consciousness is an antenna that is receiving signals from TS, where the same center of that consciousness is existing as an eternal non causal probability. Though our consciousness is eternal ? The Big Bang did not occur I think, it is the entanglement of the of causal consciousness with non causal consciousness that is the origin of our "reality". This is what you can call the non causal eternal universal I.

      I special asked for the question what is inbetween a cause and an event because this reasoning is typical of our 3+1 causal universe (created by our non causal consciousness), so inbetween can only be the Planck length and time , the same limit that when we approach it we enter in TS. So in fact my question is what is inbetween the slices of (causal) Block Universe, and this question I can answer with inbetween is TS.

      thank you for the contact

      think free


      • [deleted]

      Dear Wil,

      You have understood my point absolutely.

      Causal consciousness is in our brain and this describes "I am".

      Non causal consciousness can be experienced in our heart and thats where "Universal i" resides. Yes, we can consider singularity as the absolute mathematical center of everything, hence it is everywhere, that is exactly what I am trying to convey to the cosomologists that all the black holes are connected at one central singularity and that the whole universe is a sphere of consciousness, described by S=BM^2, where S is the soul or non causal conscience (only one absolute soul shared by all), M is the mind or causal consciousness (cause and effect), B is the body that experiences it.

      Please see Conscience is the cosmological constant.



      Sri, What if consciousness is just the sixth sense ?

      think free


      (ps thanks for the link, but I need to study it before I react)

      4 days later

      I am preparing a follow-up of the essay entitled :


      think free



      there are three kind of simultaneities :

      1. The simultaneity that is experienced by an observer.

      This can be imagined as a sphere around the observer where he is the center, On this sphere of course arrive signals from different distances and times , if you would colour them this sphere would be like a soap bubble. All the centers and spheres tigether form the foam of our reality.

      2. The absolute simultaneity that is occurring in a slice of the block universe. These events are independent of an observer and as so will never be observable as simultaneous by an observer. It is about the events that happen on a certain time moment . This moment (perhaps with the length of the Planck time) is not dependant of relativity (AR and SR).

      3 TOTAL SIMULTANEITY: as discussed in the essay. This is the non causal simultaneity of all the block universe slices, also of the paralel block universes, it looks like chaos but in fact it is the ultimate probability.

      Our consciousness is by entanglement able to contact its counterpart moments in TS, like an antenna, no time is neede to arrange aan enatnglement.

      think free


      • [deleted]

      Dear Wil,

      Conscience is the "common" sense, and I mean it literally, as it is shared by all kinds of beings in the universe. We humans are lacking in this common sense and hence the chaos on this planet. It is time for our human kind to wake up and realize the common sense of conscience and act accordingly and live in love and peace.



      14 days later

      Thomas, Ts needs not to be reached, it is everywhere. Once you reached the Planck length and "go" further (in fact you cannot go further because you are at the very limit of causality) then you "are" in TS. ou can reach it at every point of space in our universe (including yourself), for "Time" the same , you reach TS at any moment after the Planck time. So : those space/time quanta are the limits of our causal material universe, however our consciousness is acting like an antenna (emitting and receiving) that is the cause of entanglement and so decoherence of of the what we call "causal" universe, our consciousness is the origin of our "awareness". The quanta in TS however are eternal, which means that they are be comparable with points on an endless (to the left and to the right) line, so points in infinity that have no before and no after because before is the same as after (endless), these points cannot be referenced and so eternally existant. This means that in fact our consciousness like we are aware of right now has a point of entanglement in TS that is eternal, which means that we as individuals are also eternal in TS, only here in the causal universe we have a beginning and an end, that is like a life line formed in TS. But at any moment we can chose other points (there is an enless choice) available in TS , that is our free will. By making a choice you are changing from one life line to another, no need that paralel worlds need to be created at that very moment because they all are already "present" as probabilities in TS.

      I just read an article about our "primitive" consciousness that emerges from deep primitive brain structures (http://medicalexpress.com/news/2012-04-primitive-consciousness-emrges-awaken-anesthesia.html. This is in alliance with what I think of consciousness, it has a long "life-line" in TS and in our causality.

      If you have more questions pls let me know

      think free
