I hope that FQXi is thinking about a new conquest, since one year of participating with the atricles and blogs the basic idea of my essay did not change but it has more causality as I thought for other areas of science and philosophy.

Once the game is played no one visits any more the threads of the essays (only if you are mentioned on the home page (thank you for that FQXi)), it remains a silent wittness of the thought experiments of the interested people of our planet.

keep on thinking free


a month later

Just an idea FQXi :

Could the next essay conquest deal with the question :

Is there something inbetween Cause and Event ?

This question deals also with the beginning because if there is thare is someting before the Cause , it deals with a lot of scientific questions.

Hope to hear someting from you

think free


    • [deleted]

    Dear Wil,

    I can say for sure that universal I or singularity exists before any cause (big bang). I causes everything. I is the root of TS.



    Dear Sridattadev, I agree with you that the root of Ts is consciousness, and it will always be the consciousness of the "I". Consciousness has no masst nor length nor perceptable energy, to call it a singulairity is in line with mathematical CENTER. In our material causal universe with its limits (as for now Planck length and time) the singulairity does not exist, if it exists in TS is a different question I think. The center of our consciousness is an antenna that is receiving signals from TS, where the same center of that consciousness is existing as an eternal non causal probability. Though our consciousness is eternal ? The Big Bang did not occur I think, it is the entanglement of the of causal consciousness with non causal consciousness that is the origin of our "reality". This is what you can call the non causal eternal universal I.

    I special asked for the question what is inbetween a cause and an event because this reasoning is typical of our 3+1 causal universe (created by our non causal consciousness), so inbetween can only be the Planck length and time , the same limit that when we approach it we enter in TS. So in fact my question is what is inbetween the slices of (causal) Block Universe, and this question I can answer with inbetween is TS.

    thank you for the contact

    think free


    • [deleted]

    Dear Wil,

    You have understood my point absolutely.

    Causal consciousness is in our brain and this describes "I am".

    Non causal consciousness can be experienced in our heart and thats where "Universal i" resides. Yes, we can consider singularity as the absolute mathematical center of everything, hence it is everywhere, that is exactly what I am trying to convey to the cosomologists that all the black holes are connected at one central singularity and that the whole universe is a sphere of consciousness, described by S=BM^2, where S is the soul or non causal conscience (only one absolute soul shared by all), M is the mind or causal consciousness (cause and effect), B is the body that experiences it.

    Please see Conscience is the cosmological constant.



    Sri, What if consciousness is just the sixth sense ?

    think free


    (ps thanks for the link, but I need to study it before I react)

    4 days later

    I am preparing a follow-up of the essay entitled :


    think free



    there are three kind of simultaneities :

    1. The simultaneity that is experienced by an observer.

    This can be imagined as a sphere around the observer where he is the center, On this sphere of course arrive signals from different distances and times , if you would colour them this sphere would be like a soap bubble. All the centers and spheres tigether form the foam of our reality.

    2. The absolute simultaneity that is occurring in a slice of the block universe. These events are independent of an observer and as so will never be observable as simultaneous by an observer. It is about the events that happen on a certain time moment . This moment (perhaps with the length of the Planck time) is not dependant of relativity (AR and SR).

    3 TOTAL SIMULTANEITY: as discussed in the essay. This is the non causal simultaneity of all the block universe slices, also of the paralel block universes, it looks like chaos but in fact it is the ultimate probability.

    Our consciousness is by entanglement able to contact its counterpart moments in TS, like an antenna, no time is neede to arrange aan enatnglement.

    think free


    • [deleted]

    Dear Wil,

    Conscience is the "common" sense, and I mean it literally, as it is shared by all kinds of beings in the universe. We humans are lacking in this common sense and hence the chaos on this planet. It is time for our human kind to wake up and realize the common sense of conscience and act accordingly and live in love and peace.



    14 days later

    Thomas, Ts needs not to be reached, it is everywhere. Once you reached the Planck length and "go" further (in fact you cannot go further because you are at the very limit of causality) then you "are" in TS. ou can reach it at every point of space in our universe (including yourself), for "Time" the same , you reach TS at any moment after the Planck time. So : those space/time quanta are the limits of our causal material universe, however our consciousness is acting like an antenna (emitting and receiving) that is the cause of entanglement and so decoherence of of the what we call "causal" universe, our consciousness is the origin of our "awareness". The quanta in TS however are eternal, which means that they are be comparable with points on an endless (to the left and to the right) line, so points in infinity that have no before and no after because before is the same as after (endless), these points cannot be referenced and so eternally existant. This means that in fact our consciousness like we are aware of right now has a point of entanglement in TS that is eternal, which means that we as individuals are also eternal in TS, only here in the causal universe we have a beginning and an end, that is like a life line formed in TS. But at any moment we can chose other points (there is an enless choice) available in TS , that is our free will. By making a choice you are changing from one life line to another, no need that paralel worlds need to be created at that very moment because they all are already "present" as probabilities in TS.

    I just read an article about our "primitive" consciousness that emerges from deep primitive brain structures (http://medicalexpress.com/news/2012-04-primitive-consciousness-emrges-awaken-anesthesia.html. This is in alliance with what I think of consciousness, it has a long "life-line" in TS and in our causality.

    If you have more questions pls let me know

    think free


    The emerging of Realities out of Total Simultaneity explains also the wellknown discussion : "Why is there something rather then Nothing". The Total Simultaneity is an infinite entity (dimension ?). To explain the position of the quantum of consciousness in TS, we can imagine an infinite line and on this line a point, this point in fact doesnt divide the line in two because there are no coordinates possible to both sides of the line : so the point is everywhere on the line, the point in fact is also smeared out ad infinitum, so is the quantum of consciousness that is one of the probable points on the endless line of TS, an existing infinite probability, that is the cause of the collapse of this probability in our 3+1 causal universe, the fact that the eternal point is "available is enough to let collapse the wave probability in TS and olet originate a "reality" here. Our consciousness together are the cause (in our causal universe) of the decoherence of this reality to form a for our part of our consciousness a time-line.

    think free


    Is GOD equivalent with CHAOS so with Total Simultaneity ?

    Total Simultaneity is an idea for us (causal beings) not to understand, because it seems like Chaos, everything possible is "mixed" up and infinite.

    The mixed up is another "order" as the one we understand.

    Humanity is in its short existance always intrigued by the idea of GOD or Gods, also to explain our temporal existance.

    God is described as INFINITE and Omnipresent with all the knowledge possible, isn't this the same as Total Simultaneity, where all probabilities are infinite "present" (also those of all probable paralel universes) ?

    We can compare it with the Trinity of Christianity , where The Father is Total Simultaneity, Jesus Christ is the HUMAN in the causal universe, and Consciousness is the contact inbetween thos two, the HOLY GHOST.

    In Kabala Total Simultaneity is EIN SOF, the top of the ten Sephirot.

    In Islam ALLAH is unique and not understandable by humans, the greatness of Allah is infinite.

    In Budhism the ultimate goal in fact is NOHTING, being ALL, Nirvana being free of suffereing, free of causality.

    to be contued

    think free



    The basic theorem of my essay is : "A human being is the creator of his universe by entanglement" .

    Entanglement needs a second part at another place, and an "observer" to arrange the specific entanglement.

    The what we call second part is a "space/time probability" in Total Simultaneity (TS).

    The "observer" is his consciousness in the causal universe plus the entanglement part in Total Simultaneity.

    The universe created in this way will always be a universe that is fine-tuned for the specific human being.

    In TS all probable space/time quanta from all possible and also for us "impossible" universes are present on a non causal base, there is no difference between past and future , there is no before or after, it is as a matter of fact the ETERNAL NOW for all Universes, parallel and multi. From the point of view of our causal universe it could also be understood as CHAOS.

    In what we experience as the arrow of time and the resulting time-line in our causal deterministic universe, what we are calling history takes an important place, there seems to be an evolution towards the appearance of our actual consciousness.

    In TS the moment that conscience is "present" in our own universe is an infinite existing quantum of space/time , so this consciousness is eternally existing in TS, so is the future consciousness, so are all the forms of consciousness probable and for us not probable.

    To represent its eternal essence : imagine an infinite line (no beginning no end), an place appoint on this line. This point has no coordination towards the beginning nor the end of the line, so it can in fact be placed EVERYWHERE on the line. Everywhere on the line means infinite position. This becomes the Omni Point.

    This Omni point has no before nor after like the Omni-Consciousness has no before nor after, it is the Eternal NOW .

    So in the fifth dimension (Total Simultaneity) we are talking about there is an infinite amount of probabilities for the "existence" of 3+1 dimensional universes, one of them is ours in the causal universe and in fact is represented by an Omni Point.

    I could describe our life-line as follows :

    We close up to the true causal limits of our space/time when reaching the Planck length and time, these limits are not structural, I took them because of the fact that science of today (so perhaps not of tomorrow) take these limits as the end of existence of physical laws, everything here becomes immeasurable, so no longer a before or a after. The most important acceptance is that our universe is LIMITED in space and time, and that when passing these limits causality is no longer at steak. This counts for the lower limit, for the upper limit we could for our LOCAL situation take the c, the velocity of light.

    So when we approach and then exceed this lower border which can be reached at every point of space and time in our universe, we enter TS. As we are material structures with material limits this can only be achieved mentally. (Just as string theory and loop Quantum Gravity apply their theories beyond the Planck length and time).

    When we accept that our universe is everywhere touching TS, we could also make a mental jump and imagine the TS as a sphere with an infinite radius, on the surface of this sphere are the points of the life/time-lines (the contact points with our causal universe), these points on the surface represent the "now" moments of our experience, these now moments represent for us no longer existing moments of the past, I would like to call them "PRIMUS" but our consciousness , after reception by or senses becomes aware of them and even constructs mental futures. These future expectations form all together lines on the surface of TS (the imagined surface of the sphere with the infinite radius) . The surface of the TS sphere whose center is the ego contains only the for this specific consciousness his eternal Now moments. The life-lines so formed by our consciousness construct the understandable causal deterministic arrow of time as we are experiencing. As the component points are eternal, so is your life-line !

    Each ego has its own centre of its own sphere together all possible consciousnesses are forming a foam of "reality" that is created by the decoherence of the total immense amount of consciousnesses and so forming our causal REALITY .

    All the life-lines of all beings are formed on the surface of this Sphere, we can imagine that a life-line once created (every point has his before and after) become a whirling colourful line game like the wonderful images on a soap bell.

    An infinity of life-lines can exist on this surface which is endless, sometimes they will cross or become parallel, or merge together (reincarnation).

    The tendency to compare Total Simultaneity with GOD can be understood, we have now a possibility to further understand (we will never be able to full understanding) a term that kept us busy since the beginning of mankind .

    Humanity has always described God or his Gods in relation to his own existence as human being, so impersonalising this idea as omniscient material form. God had all the wisdom and was the Creator of everything.

    Total Simultaneity in itself has all the consciousness of all beings, of the past and the future, and of all the Universes, it is the ETERNAL NOW. Our consciousness is in contact with this TS and in fact the intermediary between the causal human being with all his restrictions and the TS. In our material universe with its time-line , infinities are the cause of paradoxes, our minds however can easily work with infinities and mathematics, one more indication that our material universe has specific limits and our consciousness like TS is unlimited, but only limited by the signals arriving as information from the outer world. (our experience).

    The arrow of time as we experience it is sometimes associated with predestination , thinking that everything is already set, it seems as if there is no free will. But as we consider the infinity of now points of the future available in TS, the now point on the surface of the sphere is only a connection between an infinite amount of pasts but also with an infinite amount of futures, it is our consciousness that indicates the direction of our future , we are in the possession of FREE WILL. It is even thinkable that we could change from one past to another, if our consciousness (in the future ?) might be able to do the same as with the future.

    Considering a human being in his causal space/time we see that every human being has different coordinates in relative space and also different time coordinates (Special Relativity, Einstein). So each human being is receiving different and so "Unique" signals from the outer world, even the signals of the television that we watch together are arriving at (however very small) time lapses at every spectator, and then it takes still 200 milliseconds from reception by our senses and the "awareness" of the reception before we become "aware" of the emitted signals, so every consciousness has its own "awareness" of our senses, each point on the sphere of TS is a UNIQUE point, as are the life-lines that result from the interaction between consciousness and TS.

    When we consider for instance the human "sight", our eye is observing in full colour and fully detailed only the surface of a dime held at an instance of 1 meter from the eye, it represents about 5% of the total view, the rest is completed by our mind by taking images of the past and so creating a "whole". This is exactly what our consciousness is doing with the time moments on the surface of TS to create the "whole" image of the past.

    So if we consider the TS as an equivalent of our GOD understanding than the human being is in constant contact with this entity through his consciousness, it is very comparable with the belief of Christianity , where there is the Divine Trinity : God the Father , here Total Simultaneity (Eternal Now), The Son : The human material being with its limits, and the Holy Spirit : our Consciousness (Contact with the Father (TS).

    People pray to GOD, praying and also meditation, but I think that praying is the same as meditation, is a way to align our consciousness , fine tune our antenna , come closer to God (TS), aligning our consciousness means that we construct a better contact with the fifth dimension where all our possible futures are lying open, it is our free will that aligns the points of our life lines.

    There are people who have "SIGHT", they can be in contact with a deceased , their consciousness can cross the life-lines of these deceased in TS, dead in our 3+1 dimensional universe does not mean dead in TS, the now unique now moments of the deceased are eternally "existing" in TS, so if your consciousness has the ability or sensibility to touch these life-lines in TS then the information regarding these entities (also from other probable universes and futures) is possible and becomes understandable. As there is an infinite possibility of futures it is also possible to contact them, it is not sure that it will be the future as another individual through its free will will experience it, so future telling is a difficult thing.

    Wilhelmus de Wilde


    22 april 2012


    For those who follow my thread :

    Multiversity and Total Simultaneity.

    The basic general thought of the existence of a Multiversity is that in the finite space of our Universe when completely filled with elementary particles, there is a finite number of ways that these particles can be arranged. The amount of arrangements would be 2 to the power of 10^118.

    This could mean that when we are travelling along enough distance we could end up with encountering a similar arrangement of elementary particles meaning that we could meet a copy of ourselves. Max Tegmark has calculated that in this way we will find an identical copy of our universe (and so our twin) at a distance of about 10 to the power 10^118 meters from here (Max Tegmark, arxiv.org/abs/0905.128v1).

    What happens here is that again we are coming up in fact with an infinite number of identical universes, and so an infinite number of identical twins of yourself, living the exact same life as yourself, because travelling in one direction is only one way to meet yourself in this way, but also be aware that in fact we can take an infinite number of directions.

    Here we are again meeting infinities and paradoxes.

    Now we are going back to our idea of the Total Simultaneity. Our consciousness is the line between TS and the causal universe in which your reality emerges. The entanglement of the two quanta of your consciousness (in TS and here) is the origin of the possibility of the special existence we are experiencing. The point in TS with which our consciousness is connected could also be connected to all our possible twins. In this way we could explain an infinite multiverse of "yourself", because it s just the same consciousness that is the basis.

    You could however wonder if it is necessary to accept so many twins. You could perceive all these probable twins together as ONE individual, and then we could accept that our journey to the so called twin universe is just travelling in circles. So the circumference of that circle would be 10 to the power of 10^118m...

    Once we enter however this twin universe we also are changing this in a different one by changing the way of life of our twin when we meet him, his universe will from there on never be the same, and his consciousness and yours change (as a matter of fact he also was travelling around the circle of his universe (so you will meet at half the distance of the circumference), even if you both go back then your history has changed and the twin universe will no be a twin universe. This means that in TS the consciousness of your twin is going to follow another time/life line as yours, and multiversity is becoming a parallel universe.

    This means that your twin and yourself are leaving the circumference of their universes and are entering another circumference (like a spiral). In TS they had the same starting and time/life lines and from the meeting point on they are following with their consciousness different lines on the surface of the sphere that we imagined as Total Simultaneity, which is logic because in TS EVERY possibility is a probability.

    For our own consciousness the other time/life lines are no longer present as a reality, only our own reality is continuing as a line on the soap bubble with the infinite radius. The other consciousness follows now different lines. What we are experiencing as "material" universe can also be compared with the phase changes ,condensation of a cloud (future) and then crystallizing (past) and the centre of this condensation/crystallisation is the result of the consciousness moment which originated in entanglement of the two parts in TS and "here".

    For the multiversity created by eternal inflation (Susskind/Bousso : New Scientist, 4 june, p8), the same reasoning as above can be applied, only my opinion on inflation (inflation is occurring in a time before the Wall of Planck, so in fact is not occurring, Realities out of Total Simultaneity, FQXi : http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/913).

    Wilhelmus de Wilde


    25 april 2012

    Hi Wilhelmus--got your message! So, after glimpsing your above Commentary I just want to say, "Let's talk about some objective Reality, shall we"? Instead of our own personal theories, which may or not be correct?

    Anyway, what is your comment on the newest tentative results from the Large Hadron Collider Experiments? The 2000 or so physicists who work there have come up with a Theory of Unification based on Unitarity. Here is the most current model of most theoretical physicists on the explanation of the Observed experiments from the LHC, i.e. what the detectors have measured as we crash protons together at the highest energies yet!

    They have reinvigorated the Theory of SuperGravity. Quantum Mechanics (particles) and General Relativity (spacetime topology) is melded into a grand Quantum Gravity theory by explaining the LHC results as gravitons interacting. Remember that gravitons are only speculative, and have never been observed experimentally. Until now, where the superscientists are explaining the data they see by modelling the correllated pairs of gluons with one graviton: the two are the same thing!

    Guons and quarks hold the protons together by exchanging particles. We understand all this, and it's old Standard Model knowledge. But by this recent development of claiming that this same interaction (results of our detectors) can be explained by considering the particles (gluons) acting in pairs and behaving like a graviton is revolutionary!

    Our civiliation has proved that Reality behaves the same as our computers. According to Boolean Logic, which is based on human thinking! We live in a simulated reality. And if we accept that gravitons exist as the particles of gravity in this reality, it has been programmed with something like human minds. That's a good sign. To be continued...

    Now stop with your own theories, and tell us what you have to say about the LHC results. Less opinion, more explanation. That's what we pay our taxes for!

    QuantumWidgets.com, "Making Tomorrow Happen. Today..."

      Thank you Tommy for your reply, I really aprreciate it.

      Sorry for (untill now) not reacting to the results of the LHC, just because of the facts that : it is of topic, this thread is about the theory in my essay and its implimentations on our perception of reality. Further on I follow on VIXRA ( Phillip Gibbs) all the results from the LHC, and if necerecerry post answers. Of course there are multiple theories that try to explain our "reality", mine is just one of them and I am not at all convinced that it is the right one, each day I learn and receive more information, the results you see here. We for example have both a specific thought about "consciousnes" that you even put down in a "formula". I appreciated very much your approach only you easily on the first pages use the word "soul" and then you "simplify" it by letting HS=C (Huamn Soul = Constant) This is something that I understand very well, but also a simplification thet is in my point of view to easy to apply. I hope that you can give me an answer why you did this because as a matter of fact your essay and mine together could give new entrances to questions.

      think free


      3 months later
      • [deleted]

      Good luck bra--you got my vote. Between you and Georgina Parry, you two are the two I would most like to meet and continue to talk to. Yes, even above and beyond all of these brilliant theoreticians who are getting all the mini-grants and prizes, it it you who I admire more. I'm gone, like an unobserved wavefunction. Maybe I will create a page for just us non-professionals on QuantumWidgets.com to continue these important conversations without fqxi snickering at us by ignoring our contributions? What do you think? BTW comment on my fb page, 'cause I'm outta here and I'm not coming back.