Since I was quite young, I have had moments of intuitive experience that I could not really define, except to describe them as an "awareness" that all moments (past present and future) are contained within THIS moment, NOW. These moments that can be described as feeling this way would come without prelude or effort on my part. I was not reflecting or meditating on these concepts.
They do not happen as often as they used to, but they do still occur, particularly if I wake in the middle of the night, in those first few moments that I am returning to an ordered sense of self and time, the normal "me" and "now".
In addition to these experiences I have had other moments of strong intuition that this physical plane of being is not always how its been for me. I am NOT talking about past lives or anything literal like that. These are purely, for lack of a better word, cognitive/spatial/spiritual experiences, and they are fleeting, and not part of any contemplative practice.
Anyway, while this is not per se on topic, I think it speaks to something about how we might be experiencing TS as you are describing it. These moments have been unquestionably moments of truth to me, truth beyond (even my own need for) analysis or any sort of skepticism. They stand apart from "ordinary" conscious experience but take place and move fluidly in and out of a fully awake non altered state (often during the day). I have not tried to re-create them. I hope they continue to happen as they have. They are memorable moments of being.