THX for replying Dr. Jackson:
Please point me to the thread about the competition. All I have seen are these threads and shouting in the dark, it seems.
Your mixture of flattery and back-handed nested compliments is refreshing. I like to laugh and cry at the same time! Like a good Symphony.
Big Ideas, huh? Pshaw, they've said it before and they'll (you'll) say it again: Physics is done; dot the i's cross the t's there is nothing more to do.
Pick 1:
From reading Copernicus, I learned very carefully how we actually determined time. We knew a few important Events and used those (Jesus' death, Alexander's death, the Greek Olympics every four years, etc.). But the common metric they used was the Egyptian Calender. This was the only calender with 360 equal days, and 5 left-over Intercalary days. So the Egyptian year had 365 equal days, each month 30 days, and 5 leftovers.
1) From my researches studying the published data it seems this is overlooked when calculating geer teeth estimates, and by studying the artefact itself on HPs X-ray crystallography site, it is indicated that the AntiKythera mechanism was much more sophisticated than currently expected. And some of the other capabilites of this 2000 yr old Greek personal computer are elaborated.
2) Ancient photons: my theory is that the Universe is much older and larger than currently accepted, due to very old photons that trickle due to percolation from the center out over hundreds of thousands of years in massive stars and upon reaching the surface travel off with relatively young photons generated simultaneously. Hypothesis is that Hubbles Constant needs carefull re-anlyasis.
3) QuantumCryptography/Communication with other Universes: That's right, it is my conclusion that the above are one and the same. And not only is it possible to communicate meaningfully (which is rejected by the general astrophysical community due to speed of light contraints), but also have done so Intuitively. And suspect that demonstration of this theory with e Scientific Method is practical immediately. By this Investigator!
4) The new discovery that the sphagetti effect in our cell nucleus is wrong. And that position is critical to gene expression inside the nucleus. I not only agree with the current experimental evidence and expert consensus (of course), my studies (Intuitive) strongly indicate an addition and clarification of the process, due to density and gravity only in the long run. A Gravitational Theory of the Cell Nucleus
5) I have 16 more from the following sources (or combination, or one some all):
Sharing info. with alternate selves. Gives the semblance of extreme dintelligence.
Using a relatively unknown symbolic formula as technical inspiration and prediction.
Reaching my intellectual prime (or think I am) as a late bloomer.
Am inspired by indescribable forces to describe what can be describe. And have the wisdom to know when the science ends and another faith-based discipline is required.
or and thanks again.
It's Piers Morgan, mr. jackson. He wrote a lot of books tongue-in-cheek about the afterlife. they were fantastic. In the first one someone accidentally kills death. And has to become death, with a very cool car. I read this perhaps 20 years ago , but it stuck.
P.S. This act of killing my Scientific Career while at the same time creating it is not intentional. While I appreciate the dark sarcastic humour ("The Witchdoctor"), I cannot pretend it is completely pleasurable I am serious and not in the process of hanging my self to dry out here for the sake of that alone. There is a goal of Community, or I would so be gone by now.