Hi Olivier, I try to understand why we have this problem of mass of protons , the actual model explains 2 percent of the mass, the gluons must give 98percent of the mass to converge. I have so considered this DM encoded to explain it.

I d like to know more about your general philosophy of this universe, what are these informations in their foundamentals, what are their origin and what are the particles and fields too ?

"I d like to know more about your general philosophy of this universe, what are these informations in their foundamentals, what are their origin and what are the particles and fields too ? ""

thx for your interest @Steve .. ;:-)

Entropic information is capable of unifying all aspects of our universe at all scales within a coherent and global theoretical mathematical framework materialized by Entropic Information Theory and formulae

information is the code and the code is what creates the process but is itself the process

structure ordered by information storage a


life as the storage of the information

and the possibility to updated it by a process of self-learning

to perpetuate that form of information


to complete and following this defintion of life

here is the entropic structure concept presented :

- non alive entropic structure

- alive entropic structure

- thinking entropic structure

- Knowing entropic structure (conscious one)

human brain compute but not only

some human brain process can not be computabe as the process of creation or intuition are not computable

it s because creation process is out of algorithmic logic,... because AI will always stay in the algorithmic box created

consciousness is information treated by subject,..

it need subject and object

not the information,

because information can exist by itself

as it is code


the code is what creates the process but is itself the process

So Consciousness nor the universe can not be coded


""Mass, energy and movement of information are respectively dark matter, dark energy, and gravity.""

According to this new model, the fundamental physical vacuum at the smallest order of sub-matter, is a superfluid state of pairs of Kramer Weyl fermions constituting dark energy describable by a macroscopic wave function with small fluctuations of the background superfluid, obeying Lorentz symmetry, even if the superfluid itself is non-relativistic.

In condensed matter, the Weyl point is a singular point of Berry curvature which can be considered as a "magnetic monopole" in momentum space [1], considered as neutral massless carriers of information with the nature itself of the information ( or -) corresponding to the helicity, circular polarization (clockwise and anti-clockwise). It is these smaller "granularities", the Weyl points, which are the basis of electromagnetic waves and condensed matter, as well as dark matter.

The origin of the charge in the symmetrized equation of Maxwell [2] is in first instance Gravity which comes from the movement propagation of the monopole itself. The propagation of the monopole movement following specified orientation (sign in the symmetrized equation), is an eccentric propagation characterized by the logarithmic spiral based on the gold section [3] depending on the true nature of the process involved by the structure itself, loss of entropy: anticlockwise; gain of entropy: clockwise. Moreover, the ideal geometric container representation of the propagation geometry is a double torus; so here are presented the mathematics reasons of all nature phi and vortex structures at all scales of our universe explaining the physical causes underlying the complete gravitational process of our universe across all dimensional orders

(5) (PDF) Entropic Information Theory. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356378350_Entropic_Information_Theory [accessed Dec 02 2021].

12 days later

Zeeya and FQXI Community:

A long time in the works, with many false starts unfortunately reported as "complete," and still, perhaps, a work in progress, the following webpage highlights work done in service of a "new" vision of macroscopic quantum entanglement, while paying respects to David Bohm and his vision. The forecasting section, if it is viable, owes its inspiration to Michael Talbot's book, "The Holographic Universe." If the forecasting algorithm is not viable, we still feel we may be on to something, and request the help of those willing in the FQXI Community to flush out, accept as complete and viable, or vote "Quash," with grounds for their vote. The website contains numerous forays into other topics, and the reader is, obviously, are free to explore.

Thank you.

-Deserdi Chapas

DESERDI.xyz Website

6 days later

hello to all,...

im here to present to you a alternative model of reality,that can be right...

Entropic Information Theory: Bits from Bit

as nature love OCKHAM razor, i can explain the simple bases of this model in this regard,...

Information is code


code is what creates the process, it is itself the process.

Mass, energy and movement of information are respectively dark matter, dark energy, and gravity.

Entropic Information formulas are able to unifying all aspects of the universe following the common base element : the information.

with this formulae

ln(W) =( action)/h = tОЅ = mtcВІ/h = (k(b) T lnвЃЎ(2)t)/h = (m l(P)ВІ)/(h t(P)) =A/(4l(p)ВІ)= (m G)/(2ПЂcВіt(P) ) = (m G)/kcВі = 2ПЂRmc/в„Џ=4ПЂGmВІ/в„Џc = mв€љ(G/2ПЂch)

general relativity and quantum mechanics are reconciled by introducing quantum gravity for Planckian scale.

with that formualae вЃЎ 4ПЂGmВІ/в„Џc

i have all the mathematics and demonstrations to go with

    if the quantum mechanics and the wave functions are predicted with probabilities of measurements and that inside this ensemble we have hidden variables, so that contredicts Bell, but it is total non sense considering different values of a hidden variable because it is under the actual measurements under our actual proofs about this QM.The distinction that they made with the ensembles cannot be actually found because if these hidden variables exist they are not under these actual wave functions . It is against th statistical analysis and the Bell theorem in violating the determinisn of our actual system of measurements. The hidden variable could exist but are not in our actual spectrum of analysis and is not about the wave function because these waves and their ensemble must respect the foundamentals.They can try to prove their ideas with a system of measurements, that will not give an answer because simply it is beyond all this actual system , its statistics and the wave functions. Their error is to affirm that it is measurable in an ensemble just because they have chosen to tell it in fact. They want so with an invention to differenciate the ensembles and so they want to create these hidden variables somewhere in the states of space, and Hilbert is not the problem, the statistics yes and probablities of measurements.

    It is not possible for the measurements , detectors or computations because we have simply these limitations .All their ideas are against the causality and locality under our actual foundamental parameters of observations, measurements and probabilities and statistics of our wave functions. They can tell all what they want with ensembles different and mathematical tools , they don t violate Bell simply.

    Charlie, Debbie, Alice, Bob or peter paul jacques shall not change the observations and measurements and it is not about the interpretations of each observer but about pure quantum rational results.

    in fact if ensembles exist with hidden variables, they are actually beyond our actual knowledges and they dont interact with the actual wave functions simply , so they cannot be measured, nor computed nor observed because it has nothing to do with our actual physics. Our physics are emergent from deeper logics yes but that does not contredict Bell in the sense that we have a system of measure superdeterministic with our actual tools simply

    if thinkers want with our actual system disproves Bell, so they must explain the cause and not with these wave functions.

    I consider hidden variables but not in the actual ensemble of wave functions, and furthermore it is probably stable hidden variables having acted before our measurements, so not possible.

    Our actual standard model is a result of evolution, we have these baryonic matters like a result of a cause and they have fields and waves , and so when we measure them we respect the superdeterminism and Bell , if we have hidden variables, so they are before this creation of this baryonic matter and we don t know how and where still. All this to tell that our actual baryonic matter and our actual wave functions are stable systems under specific superdeterministic waves, fields and properties , you cannot change them. Furthermore imagine we want to explain this consciousness with actual hidden local variables, it is not possible because 1 we have farer cause in our satandard model and secondly it does not come from fields of this GR .

    If my reasoning is correct about the spheres and the universe. We have 4 main finite systems , the photons made of series of spheres, the cold DM too , the DE spacevacuum for the main codes and informations and the baryonic matter due to the 3 others merging. And we have a fith probably system in 0D for the infnite eternal consciousness. The universe seems simple generally. The quantum series have probably the same number than our cosmological series of 3D spheres, oddly it approaches the dirac large number. Actually we observe this GR and a part of our standard model but we need to go farer and deeper about all this.

    A thing interesting is that if the universe has chosen these 3D spheres like primarty essence, we have a kind of superfluidity for the 3 ethers, it is interesting about the contact when we aply specific series and volumes. The waves and fields are emergent from the motions rotations oscillations of spheres 3D.

    The philosophy correlated is a little bit different than the strings, my works are an assumption but the strings too are an assumption, we need to know more, I believe that we could prove these spheres maybe with the ricci flow and the 2 other ethers and the poincare conjecture.

    The fact to superimpose the 5 systems with the spherical topological geometrical algebras can be very relevant, alone I cannot solve all, I know that the thinkers have difficulties to change their philosophy and that these strings are an institution and the GR alone too, but my humble reasoning can coverge and complete the puzzle.

    a month later


    We study a Nano-Structural 4-dimensional New Atomic Model, mainly for biological elements on the basis of Super Unified Theorem SU(11)вЉѓSU(6)Г--SU(3)Г--SU(2)Г--U(1), that means, up-converting quantum masses or quantum dot's positions or points have been consider as four coordinates, such as x = v1t; y = v2t; z = v3t; and v4t, a pseudo co-ordinate due to optical holographic energies assuming the General Atomic Structure of Matter Atom influencing by exotic matter fluids and providing forces by new energy sources of SU(6) in the respective framework of SU(6)Г--U(1), where U(1) created magnetic monopole(once created never destroyed), hence there created a new kind of electromagnetic force with current within the GUT model of SU(5)вЉѓSU(3)Г--SU(2)Г--U(1). This new model is likely the extension of Rutherford's or Niels bohr's Atomic Model.

    In this new model assuming some new kinds of quantum particles in wave status created firstly from the exotic matter fluid by maintaining the entanglement of wave-wave duality. The formation of mass actually done by the resonating vibration of new energies (explained details in my published articles), resonating energies then appeared like as boxes or packets or bunches of high energy frequencies of short wave lengths. Hence found, new kind of different particles by quark-type but lepton-likes are tightly bindings by the bosons of the strong forces of SU(6), then other particles forming by exchanging bosons of SU(6) into bosons of SU(5). In GUT theory, we observed tightly binding by different quarks & gluons, forms different kinds of new particles of matter atoms, some of them not visible practically but confirmed at laboratory. We found then molecules, monomers then polymers etc. under the network of new kind of electromagnetic force. Again, light energies of incoming information or consciousness within the resonating boxes are the main indicator of life formation and thereafter of everything. This new kind of laser light like focussing beams appeared with different gradients forces, optimising its potentiality behaving holographic optical tweezers then trapping nano-particles. Therefore, encapsulated quantum dots and up-converting nano-particles, we found then different elements, compound elements etc. of ordinary matter atoms and continuing its resonating vibration "mode" for fabricating the structure formations of different complex bio-molecules like DNA's, Proteins etc. also then creating catalyst for accelerating the system thereafter.

    13 days later

    Relativistic Expanding Mass (REM) Model


    by Ted R. King Jr


    The Illusion of Gravity

    Another crackpot theory by an outsider? Einstein was a crackpot outsider--until he wasn't. Even if this model gets soundly falsified that would spare all of us from wasting any more time on it. So far this looks very unlikely. Exploration and refinement are called for by those who are qualified and enchanted by the possibilities.

    Here is an alternative interpretation of gravity that addresses some widely acknowledged fundamental flaws in General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory that prevent their unification.

    Like many in the physics community I strongly suspect the interpretations of our core experimental data need some fundamental adjustments. Here is an elegant, single postulate one that simplifies almost everything.

    REM Postulate:

    All mass is expanding, deforming the adjacent aether which is expanding enough slower to agree with General Relativity.

    Newton's inverse square formula, contrived to match Kepler's geometric data, appears to be an ad-hoc construction to interpret gravitational mass as generating spooky action at a distance exactly equalling the inertial mass defined by his brilliant 2nd law by figuring out a gravitational constant fudge factor, G, to make them match. He admitted he, like we, had no idea of the nature of gravity to justify this interpretation, but it stuck because in his day there were no other plausible explanations. An expanding Earth would never have occurred to his generation, only force could move things, and his gravity as force equation, along with his 3 famous laws has endured to this day as the foundation of physics for it's predictive power, but, as Newton admitted, not for illuminating our understanding of the nature of reality. To this day the prevailing opinion is that nobody really understands gravity.

    Einstein established beyond reasonable doubt that mass curves (actually deforms) space and time, and there is no such thing as gravity. Why have generations of top physicists, including Einstein himself, been beating this dead horse to no avail trying to quantize gravity to play nice with QFT?

    What if Newton's 2nd is all we need? What if all mass is inertial mass? What if we don't fall to Earth, but Earth expands to run into us at 9.8m/s2. What if we are just non-accelerating inertial mass with no measurable spooky force at a distance to push us down and the only measurable force is upward against our shoes? That seeds a massive rapid phase changed physics and unblocks the road ahead.

    Too outrageous? The only force when you drop an accelerometer is an upward g force on the dropper. Think about it. Is gravity the only exception to Newton's 2nd law?

    This is no more outrageous than Einstein's crackpot (until it wasn't) relativity theory. There is no limitation on how far inflation can inflate in what we currently hypothesize is an infinite, flat, fixed density, inflating universe. Only the REM version of inflation applies to all mass, which is just confined energy, even at the subatomic scale, and to a deformable by adjacent mass or accelerating charge in a resurrected Luminiferous Ether which, being deformable, also propagates light. Einstein's spacetime "curvature" with the REM interpretation should almost all still agree with accepted experimental data, with no need for impossible singularities or negative gravity. At last, a visualizable model not only for "gravity" but for relativity as well! This moves the quest to understand physical reality to the exploration of the nature of the aether and the genisis of particles therein. This is worth serious exploration.

    Einstein also showed us that mass in motion distorts spacetime, which can thus be treated as some kind of compressible "fabric" that propagates light, such that an observer in a compressed frame measures proper distance and time and thus light speed as c, and a less compressed observer "sees" the compressed rulers and time as shorter and slower. Thus the REM interpretation of the equivalence principle renders the laws of physics, except for now dethroned gravity, the same in any frame, accelerating or not. The only so far recognized evidence of this inflation is what we call "Gravity." Even unaccelerated mass in motion with respect to the local fabric would distort it accordingly and no observer could tell the difference any more than in Einstein's closed elevator model. That includes Michealson-Morley type experiments. Einstein's fabulous equations would still have mass telling spacetime how to "curve" and spacetime telling mass where to go, and the proper vacuum light speed would still be the same in any frame because rulers and clocks would accommodate to local compression.

    How can the REM model be tested?

    To be determined, of course, but the one obvious test is done every day all over the world when any object is allowed to free fall to Earth. It really is in free fall, "feeling" no 2nd law force (as would be measured by an accelerometer), and therefore no 3rd law opposition. Another major clue is that, neglecting air resistance, objects of different masses released from the same height hit the ground simultaneously. This is very strange since the other known forces described by QFT accelerate in their respective fields according to charge magnitude. Expecting the "gravity" field to act likewise fails as objects fall at the same rate regardless of mass.

    ALL mass is inertial mass in the REM model, which solves the mystery of why "gravitational" mass equaled inertial mass.

    Some Possible Implications to Explore

    Black holes without singularities, just expansion at light speed running into the Schwarzschild radius. No need for singularity driven Big Bang .

    Dark matter and dark energy explained by continuous creation which is required for constant density in an expanding universe.

    The expensive, fruitless search for the graviton is finally put out of its misery

    Deeper understanding of the "fabric" of space-time possibly leading to some parametric characterizations illuminating quantum theory and enabling first principle derivations of fundamental constants

    Refiguring Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model

    It seems so far that ultimately all mass is confined light in a single field with "particles" formed by topological wave interferences in confined space.

    Faster then light warp drive by localizing and directing enormous bundles of energy

    The role and roll of consciousness in the nature of reality - think about it as you wiggle your pinky!

    We will never come close to understanding the nature of reality without delving deeply into the nature of consciousness. It is already clear that all human creations originated in human minds, and as yet no instance of the emergence of consciousness from matter has been reported. There is no valid reason to discard the idea that all of physical creation originates in consciousness, and not vice-versa. This accords with the most revered and enduring wisdom of the ages.

    Two hints: time and space are human creations! There are unlimited realms of consciousness with a new one created at every point of selecting one alternative over another. Think parallel universes and unimaginable, to us, forms of consciousness!

    There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in our fledgling science.

    Ted R. King Jr.


    23 days later

    Thinking about superdeterminism:

    For a model based on a non-associative algebra, might it be possible to ascribe the phenomenon of quantum measurement/collapse to its non-associativity. Between measurements particle trajectories would be deterministic, but, because handings and order of algebraic operations could differ for different points of observation, calculations of trajectories between events would be ambiguous. As a result, any attempt to predict events could only be probabilistic. Events would be loci for which calculations for all points of observation generate a consistent but not necessarily identical result, some latitude being possible subject to limits imposed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Loci with inconsistent results would be occupied by ``quantum foam". A theory based on this approach may require application of the principles of chaos theory.

    This thought was prompted by the way in which the pattern of particles of the standard model can be found within the subalgebra structure of a non-associative quasi-group.

    See viXra.2203.0014v1

    15 days later

    Intergalactic ... Riemann

    Intergalactic Travel and Riemann Hypothesis - featuring Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Higgs Boson, Higgs Field, Electroweak Interaction, No Big Bang, Plus Other Physics and Mathematics

    Rodney Bartlett


    Using a scientific method that permits arrival at destinations in the universe to occur instantly is not only much more efficient but it avoids dangers like accumulated damage from years of exposure to micrometeorites and cosmic radiation. This article proposes such a method since it's based on an engineering experiment conducted at Yale University and reported in a science journal in 2009. It proposes a mathematical universe - again based on the work of well known scientists but extended into details of my own. A universe that is mathematical in its foundation is required since the gravitational-electromagnetic unification spoken of in connection with the Yale experiment is proposed to function topologically (using the Mobius strip and figure-8 Klein bottle). Admittedly, my proposal is based on technology which has not yet been developed - except for the Yale experiment - but since the first step in developing this technology may already have been taken 13 years ago, determined efforts should see its fulfillment in 50-100 years. And of course, the technology is not limited to travel within the solar system - say, to Jupiter's moon Europa or to Mars where instant travel would save astronauts and cosmonauts from many months of isolation/threats to muscles and bones/ radiation etc. It could also be used for interstellar and intergalactic exploration, and even for investigations into Earth's past and future if the potential for time travel is realized.

    Most people aren't accustomed to thinking that the universe is literally composed of mathematics (binary digits, Mobius strips, figure-8 Klein bottles, Wick rotation). I developed these ideas after reading about several professors - John Wheeler, Max Tegmark, Erik Verlinde, Ed Fredkin, and Rafael Sorkin. The Introduction will provide understanding that the Riemann hypothesis doesn't just apply to the distribution of prime numbers but can also apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe's space-time. When applied to the universe, it explains the static universe, dark matter, dark energy, the Higgs boson/field, and aspects of particle physics like the electroweak interaction.

    Unifying gravitation and electromagnetism has this consequence: the electrical-engineering experiment at America's Yale University, together with the ideas of Albert Einstein, tells us how we could travel to other stars and galaxies. An electrical engineering team at Yale demonstrated that, on nanoscales, light can attract and repel itself like electric charges or magnets.

    "Tunable bipolar optical interactions between guided lightwaves" by Mo Li, W. H. P. Pernice & H. X. Tang, Nature Photonics 3, 464 - 468 (2009)

    This is the Optical Bonding Force. For 30 years until his death in 1955, Einstein worked on his Unified Field Theory with the aim of uniting electromagnetism (light is one form of this) and gravitation. Achievement of this means the quantum components (gravitons) of gravity/spacetime-warps between spaceships and stars could mimic the Optical Force and be attracted together, thereby eliminating distance (this, possibly acting in partnership with repulsion, could produce a wormhole, or shortcut between folds in space and time). If the gravitons are superposed and entangled, distances between both points in space and points in time are totally eliminated.

    8 days later

    https://www.deserdi.xyz has been revised, edited and updated. If the snippet below catches your interest, we welcome you to visit the website...

    Standard quantum entanglement is a property of two particles with the same genesis. Measurable aspects of two entangled particles - such as 'spin' - find themselves correlated in such a fashion that a change in one particle results in an instantaneous change in the other particle, even if they have moved vast distances apart since their conjoined birth. This influence appears to imply faster than the speed of light information transfer, although there have been some problems with capitalizing on this property in fields related to communication.

    Macrocosmic quantum entanglement, to take the idea even further, relates to phenomena which spring from the common birth of all matter and energy in the Big Bang. Some speculate that perceptions of synchronicity, as well as Bohm's postulated holographic properties of the Cosmos, all spring from standard entanglement models applied to the grand scale of a Universe with a single common 'entangler' like the Big Bang.

    Bohm spoke of the Universe as being a "Holomovement," in which every part contains the whole. I first saw a hologram in my high-school physics class, and was fascinated. At deserdi.xyz, our work starts with the attempt to mathematically unlock the universal hologram, in a pragmatic way which satisfies the scientific prerequisite: namely the prediction of future events from past events. Our approach should apply to all measurables, whether they be microscopic entities or larger scale phenomena.

    On our website, we aim to strip scientific forecasting to its bare bones, capitalizing on the holographic properties embedded in Fourier analysis, to achieve one of the great aims of science, prediction, using very few standard physical models. All we really retain is the memory of measurements made in the past and the projection of those measurements forward in time with the help of the French mathematician Joseph Fourier's work.

    Paradoxically, we will later discuss whether 'prediction' is even worth undertaking... for various reasons: some pragmatic and some spiritual. However, that said, it does seem that, since we humans are addictively dependent on our predictive efforts, we may be bound to them, for now. Perhaps, though, we could gradually reign in our obsession with both past and future forecasting to shorter and shorter time frames - it remains for humanity to undertake dialogue as to whether we would be spiritually well-advised to ween ourselves from the near universal obsession with prediction and control.

    9 days later

    Understanding the 'Area Law,' in regards to the black hole entropy, based on an underlying fundamental theory has been one of the goals pursued by all models of quantum gravity. In black hole thermodynamics, black hole entropy is a measure of uncertainty or lack of information about the actual internal configuration of the system. The Bekenstein bound corresponds to the interpretation in terms of bits of information of a given physical system down to the quantum level. However, at present, it is not known which microstates are counted by the entropy of black holes.

    Entropic Information theory claims that the new formulation of entropic information approach, based on the bit of information gives an explanation of information processes involved in calculating entropy on missing information from black holes as well as down to the quantum level.

    Entropic Information,approach founded on the bit of information such as the number of bits of the system,the number of bits necessary to specify the actual microscopic configuration among the total number of microstates allowed and thus characterize the macroscopic states of the system under consideration.

    where the entropy of a thermodynamic system in equilibrium measure of the uncertainty as to which all its internal configurations compatible with its macroscopic thermodynamic parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.) are actually realized.

    Here is some Introduction to mathematical black hole entropic information formulae [1] and to new entropic information definition [2]; [3]

    [1] S_BH= (kcツウtln(2))/16マ\ツイGM

    [2] K ツイ( T ln竅。(2)t)/h

    [3] m cツイ(Kln竅。(2)t)/h

    here a short presentation about entropic information theory (EIT):


    and here is link to the publication,....


    2 months later

    The universe is 42 trillion years old. Here a summary of my research:

    I quantize space. My quantization uses spheres. Variable size (energy dependent) complex number 2-spheres. Every particle is also a quantum of space. I call this SPACE PARTICLE DUALISM (SPD), and so my approach to quantum gravity is called space particle dualism theory.

    I describe gravity with path abundance differences in the quantum vacuum. When you have overlapping spheres and paths through space always are on the surface of spheres, then regions of space with more of these space atoms (elementary spaces/surfaces) will have more pathways leading through them, and thus things are attracted to such regions.

    This leads to a very different cosmology. One in which Newton was right when he said that a universe with no center and no edges cannot collapse due to gravity.

    The cosmology of my quantum gravity theory is called ENTROPIC EXPANSION. It states that the entropy density of the universe is a constant. It never changes. So the universe expands in order to compensate the entropy increase inside supermassive black holes.

    According to SPD/EE, the post-decoupling universe is exactly 42 trillion years old, while the total age including the pre-decoupling time is 86 trillion years. I have tested these two figures in many ways:

    1. Using 8,846 supernovae to show that the time-redshift/distance-redshift equation of SPD/EE leads to supernova luminosities that decease perfectly with the square of the distance. I also demonstrated that mainstream cosmology totally fails at this.

    2. I calculated the age of 35,000 white dwarfs. It turned out that 1% of them were within the GR-age of the universe, and the rest was exceeding it. At the same time 100% of white dwarfs were within the SPD-age of the universe, of 42 trillion years. I did not account for the shedding of mass in this calculation, because it is mostly the lightest WD which are the oldest.

    3. I have calculated that if we assume a universe that is 42 trillion years old, then all dark matter is simply burned out stars and steller black holes. My calculation leads to 90%-94% dark matter for the Milky Way.

    4. I found 16 stars that have invisible companions. For 12 of them I was able to calculate the most likely temperature of the invisible companion. Those temperatures were extremely low. 10 out of those 12 I calculated can be classified as end stage black dwarfs, because they have temperatures of less than 1,000 Kelvin.

    The fact that all temperatures I calculated were below the maximal possible temperature that still defies optical observation shows that my method of calculation is sound.

    5. I calculated that the initial temperature of the universe was 6,000 Kelvin, and that leads to the right size for BAO (Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations).

    6. I used the chemical abundance of heavy elements to estimate the age of the universe, and that brought me again into the order of magnitude of 10^13 years.

    7. I explained the black hole-bulk ratio by using the physics of exotic matter which I theorize to be the basis of primordial black holes/primordial exotic holes. This type of EM has positive gravity. There is no repelling gravity in SPD.

    I made a video in which I calculate the age of the universe:


    My academia.edu profile is here:


    a month later

    Hello everyone, my name is Trevor Johnson and I am looking for serious feedback on an alternative thoery of reality that I wrote a couple years ago. My paper examines consciousness as a fundamental building block of reality.


    12 days later

    DNA is the origin of the universe. We have 3 distinct brains, Left hemisphere, Right, and subthalamus Ontological. Our consciousness is anchored in our left brain, our right brain & lower brain operate on genetic directive, our conscious creative intention reflect back off the genetic program as thought/ideas from our right brain, with "sarcastic reflections" on the offsets. Free will, vs. determination. Our genetic directed brains, particularly, "Granny" ontological brain/persons is intimately entangled with the universe. DNA is the source of the information of a holographic (collective hallucination) universe. Evolution is by Roommate Agreements. John Lennon -- 'A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.' Talent expresses instinct. This should be reflected in all our media. These are theories not speculations. You can read more and evaluate the evidences at Peterborough Meetup, Philosophy of Mind group. It is all free and online. Any questions or comments on this at this juncture is a waste of time. This is big, and a game changer.

    I read my posts from the past on FQXi, my english which is not of course perfect was not very good and my theory was at its begining. I have learnt a lot during these years and improved my theory of spherisation, this optimisation evolution of the universal sphere or future sphere with nthese quantum and comsological 3D Spheres. My equation general about the mass energy has been imporved too. I have like I explained considered this DE and this CDM important and series of 3D spheres for the particles of photons, DE and CDM and it is when they merge that they create this ordinary matter . The scalar massless fields of this DE antigravitation possess the main informations and encode these photons and this CDM to create the diversity of matters and their properties. A fifth force appears and the QG is a pure newtonian mechanic where we have different gravitational newtonian fields in our standard model. we are arrived at a new era for our physics, we have this newtonian mechanics and this GR like interpretation of the gravitation. Einstein has improved the works of Newton, they are both relevant in their referentials of analysis. Now we must complete their works in considering these new paraneters, this DM and this DE. It is not that we must modify the newtonian mechanics or modify this general relativity , we must simply add these scalar new fields and particles of this DM and DE and at all scales.

    The fact that this DE is a negative pressure antigravitational is relevanmt for the evolution of the universe considering the state equation.And it is relevant to consider these couplings of the DE in our standard model because this antigravitationa, this fith force is fascinating and permit to balance the actuaql gravitational system and the electromagnetic forces. The scalar massless fields of this DE possessing the main codes permit to explain furthermore this evolution and the diversity of atoms, the chemistry, the biology ....the actual standard model cannot explain this .It lacks pieces to add to this puzzle. The massive scalar fields of this cold dark matter too seem important.

    I repeat but if the 3 systems free cosmologically speaking are essential and that this DE possesses these main informations permiting to create this ordinary matter in encoding the photons which are quanta of electromagnetism, thermodynamics and that the cold dark matter are mainly quanta of mass permitting even a pure newtonian mechanics, that becomes clear.

    The real interest is to find their couplings in our standard model , these particles exist. It seems that all is under a kind of antigravitation gravitation balance , and the actual known 3 forces of our standard model are balanced too with these scalar massless fields of this DE. That becomes clear in considering that the photons create simply the 3 actual forces due to simply a number of photons encoded.

    The higgs mechanism seems to be due to this logic , the scalar massless fields of the DE and the massive scalar fields of the DM permit to give a mass to these W and Zphotons,we have the same kind of mechanism for the QCD and the missing mass is explained with kinds of axions giving the mass from this dark matter under an antigravitational field of this DE.

    My equation is about all this , it is an equation which can be probably improved but the generality is there E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc², it is important philosophically speaking about how is created the matter from the mass and the energy, the energy of these photons doesn t become a mass like this you know with specific fields and oscillations of this GR with scalar fields of this GR, we need the 3 systems to create a baryonic ordinary mass and matter.

    If I am right in all humility it is really revolutionary philosophically, mathematically and physically speaking because it is mainly about how is created the matters ordinary and what is the philosophical origin of this universe.

    The main incredible thing in this reasoning about the DE possessing the main informations and being not invarients is the complexity of these informations, these scalar fields are not the same for all the particles of DE, and it is intriguing ontologically and philosophically.

    The universe is like a yin yang balanced system in evolution with small differences permitting the motions in this fluidity and the 3 spacetimes, the gravitation and the antigravitation seem really the 2 main chielfs orchestra and these photons permit of course the actual 3 known forces in increasing simply this balance gravitation antigravitation in forces. We have a fifth force and this force is more than fascinating considering its complexity of codes ....a new entropy appears a new theory of informations.

    Einstein and Newton were right in their referentials, now we can go farer in completing their works about deeper referentials.

    This equation intuitive that I have improved during these years can be revolutionary if I am right, physically and philosophically speaking, E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc²

      18 days later

      In the beginning there was chance.

      My claim is that this is the starting point for any universe.

      It cannot start in any other way, and this simple claim has some profound implications.

      It would be fun and interesting to start a conversation over what these implications might be - or whether the claim itself doesn't hold.

      What will this have to say about conservation of information for example?

      Or how it may give rise to the physical laws we observe and how may they be structured?

      What are the next steps after the introduction of the first uncertainty?

        What is chance if not 'chance of something'. The chance must be actualize-able as something rather than something else. The possibility of a happening at least, has means of actualization, otherwise there's no chance.

        It may be possible to view null or void as an infinitely sized set with no or null values, a chance of something can then be that an item in the set becomes a non null value. What it is doesn't matter, but starting this way would make everything emergent of the first chance. Which after relations, causality and change must be introduced in some way.

        So you want something from nothing. A value where there was none.

        I think there needs to be at least existence with the potential to become everything'

        Universe soup -FQXi competition entry, introduction:

        Something rather than nothing, existence rather than void is a foundational necessity. To be a universe that has physics, chemistry and biology happening, the existent something must have the quality of being able to have different distributions. More here, less there, so that from unknown (as it shares no information about itself), base existence, other kinds of existence can be happening and identified. Then there can be quantities and categories and geometry and mathematics is more interesting.