Here is a summary of my theory of spherisation and these quantum and cosmological 3D spheres in an universal sphere or future sphere in evolution optimisation.
This general theory considers this evolution like an important point. All seems in evolution. The big question is how at these quantum and cosmological scales, what are really the informations permitting this ? I have considered the Dark energy and the dark matter like essential also , and they permit to predict approximatelly this evolution also considering their disponibilities at this cosmological scale, that is why I have this equation E=m(c^2+Xl^2)+Y with X a parameter correlated with the cold and l their velocitiesand Y is a parameter correlated witht he Dark energy, the DE can be seen like the space vacuum, the main codes and the two others , the photons and the cold dark matter can be seen like fuels and when they merge, they create our quantum mechanics , the topologies, the geometries, the fields. This Dark matter can explain this quantum gravitation that I have reached and the antiparticles, see that the helicity , the angular momentums with S and L , the orbital and spinal rotations can be correlated considering the 3 main finite primoridal series of 3D spheres, I consider that these series have the same finite number than our cosmological finite serie of 3D spheres, it is like a choice of this universe these series finite and the 3D. I have calculated approximatelly, it is the dirac large number.
I consider these tools in maths for the formalisation of all this, the spherical geometrical algebras,
3 main finite primordial quantum series , having the same number finite than our cosmological finite serie of 3D spheres, I have calculated, it is the dirac large number.
---> space vaccuum main codes of the DE
--->photons , fuel 1 , implying in merging with the space the electromagnetic forces of the standard model and the heat.
---> cold dark matter ,fuel 2, implying the antiparticles the balanced cold and the antiparticles
General vectorial analysis, associativity,non associativity ,commutativity, non commutativity, vectorial spaces, under vectorial spaces. Scalars , real numbers multiplication vectors , primes, p adics.
Utilisation and propertiesand 3D quantum spheres,
Tensors, matrix, torsors, vectors, complex numbers, spinors, quaternions , differential forms, volumes, densities, angles , sense of rotation, superimposinmgs, sortings, synchronisation....densities linked and life time and evolution. Rotations, phasis, imaginary numbers.Oscillations vibrations of 3D spheres, more the hopf fibrations on surfaces permitting to rank the quasiparticles. External and internal products ....rankings.
Symplectomorphisms preserving the volumes for the deformations of spherical volumes.
The number finite does not change ,
see that all these series are sent form the central cosmological sphere , a kind of super matter energy able to create all codes, informations distributing the energy and matters in function of codes of this space vaccuum of this DE.
We can maybe consider 3 E8 superimposed so in resume replacing the points or strings by these finite series of spheres. See that the origin of this universe is different than for the strings, the fields are emergent and not the main origin of our physicality.
ps It seems logic to consider this Dark matter and the antiparticles correlated, if this DM is a reality and is in the cold balancing the cosmological scale, so this matter non baryonic is encoded also in our nuclei and explain the balance with the cold of these antiparticles. The Dark energy is probably the spacevacuum, the main codes, this DM and DE explain also the evolution seeing the disponibilities of these parameters at this cosmological scale.