The universe is 42 trillion years old. Here a summary of my research:
I quantize space. My quantization uses spheres. Variable size (energy dependent) complex number 2-spheres. Every particle is also a quantum of space. I call this SPACE PARTICLE DUALISM (SPD), and so my approach to quantum gravity is called space particle dualism theory.
I describe gravity with path abundance differences in the quantum vacuum. When you have overlapping spheres and paths through space always are on the surface of spheres, then regions of space with more of these space atoms (elementary spaces/surfaces) will have more pathways leading through them, and thus things are attracted to such regions.
This leads to a very different cosmology. One in which Newton was right when he said that a universe with no center and no edges cannot collapse due to gravity.
The cosmology of my quantum gravity theory is called ENTROPIC EXPANSION. It states that the entropy density of the universe is a constant. It never changes. So the universe expands in order to compensate the entropy increase inside supermassive black holes.
According to SPD/EE, the post-decoupling universe is exactly 42 trillion years old, while the total age including the pre-decoupling time is 86 trillion years. I have tested these two figures in many ways:
1. Using 8,846 supernovae to show that the time-redshift/distance-redshift equation of SPD/EE leads to supernova luminosities that decease perfectly with the square of the distance. I also demonstrated that mainstream cosmology totally fails at this.
2. I calculated the age of 35,000 white dwarfs. It turned out that 1% of them were within the GR-age of the universe, and the rest was exceeding it. At the same time 100% of white dwarfs were within the SPD-age of the universe, of 42 trillion years. I did not account for the shedding of mass in this calculation, because it is mostly the lightest WD which are the oldest.
3. I have calculated that if we assume a universe that is 42 trillion years old, then all dark matter is simply burned out stars and steller black holes. My calculation leads to 90%-94% dark matter for the Milky Way.
4. I found 16 stars that have invisible companions. For 12 of them I was able to calculate the most likely temperature of the invisible companion. Those temperatures were extremely low. 10 out of those 12 I calculated can be classified as end stage black dwarfs, because they have temperatures of less than 1,000 Kelvin.
The fact that all temperatures I calculated were below the maximal possible temperature that still defies optical observation shows that my method of calculation is sound.
5. I calculated that the initial temperature of the universe was 6,000 Kelvin, and that leads to the right size for BAO (Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations).
6. I used the chemical abundance of heavy elements to estimate the age of the universe, and that brought me again into the order of magnitude of 10^13 years.
7. I explained the black hole-bulk ratio by using the physics of exotic matter which I theorize to be the basis of primordial black holes/primordial exotic holes. This type of EM has positive gravity. There is no repelling gravity in SPD.
I made a video in which I calculate the age of the universe:
My profile is here: