I read my posts from the past on FQXi, my english which is not of course perfect was not very good and my theory was at its begining. I have learnt a lot during these years and improved my theory of spherisation, this optimisation evolution of the universal sphere or future sphere with nthese quantum and comsological 3D Spheres. My equation general about the mass energy has been imporved too. I have like I explained considered this DE and this CDM important and series of 3D spheres for the particles of photons, DE and CDM and it is when they merge that they create this ordinary matter . The scalar massless fields of this DE antigravitation possess the main informations and encode these photons and this CDM to create the diversity of matters and their properties. A fifth force appears and the QG is a pure newtonian mechanic where we have different gravitational newtonian fields in our standard model. we are arrived at a new era for our physics, we have this newtonian mechanics and this GR like interpretation of the gravitation. Einstein has improved the works of Newton, they are both relevant in their referentials of analysis. Now we must complete their works in considering these new paraneters, this DM and this DE. It is not that we must modify the newtonian mechanics or modify this general relativity , we must simply add these scalar new fields and particles of this DM and DE and at all scales.
The fact that this DE is a negative pressure antigravitational is relevanmt for the evolution of the universe considering the state equation.And it is relevant to consider these couplings of the DE in our standard model because this antigravitationa, this fith force is fascinating and permit to balance the actuaql gravitational system and the electromagnetic forces. The scalar massless fields of this DE possessing the main codes permit to explain furthermore this evolution and the diversity of atoms, the chemistry, the biology ....the actual standard model cannot explain this .It lacks pieces to add to this puzzle. The massive scalar fields of this cold dark matter too seem important.
I repeat but if the 3 systems free cosmologically speaking are essential and that this DE possesses these main informations permiting to create this ordinary matter in encoding the photons which are quanta of electromagnetism, thermodynamics and that the cold dark matter are mainly quanta of mass permitting even a pure newtonian mechanics, that becomes clear.
The real interest is to find their couplings in our standard model , these particles exist. It seems that all is under a kind of antigravitation gravitation balance , and the actual known 3 forces of our standard model are balanced too with these scalar massless fields of this DE. That becomes clear in considering that the photons create simply the 3 actual forces due to simply a number of photons encoded.
The higgs mechanism seems to be due to this logic , the scalar massless fields of the DE and the massive scalar fields of the DM permit to give a mass to these W and Zphotons,we have the same kind of mechanism for the QCD and the missing mass is explained with kinds of axions giving the mass from this dark matter under an antigravitational field of this DE.
My equation is about all this , it is an equation which can be probably improved but the generality is there E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc², it is important philosophically speaking about how is created the matter from the mass and the energy, the energy of these photons doesn t become a mass like this you know with specific fields and oscillations of this GR with scalar fields of this GR, we need the 3 systems to create a baryonic ordinary mass and matter.
If I am right in all humility it is really revolutionary philosophically, mathematically and physically speaking because it is mainly about how is created the matters ordinary and what is the philosophical origin of this universe.
The main incredible thing in this reasoning about the DE possessing the main informations and being not invarients is the complexity of these informations, these scalar fields are not the same for all the particles of DE, and it is intriguing ontologically and philosophically.
The universe is like a yin yang balanced system in evolution with small differences permitting the motions in this fluidity and the 3 spacetimes, the gravitation and the antigravitation seem really the 2 main chielfs orchestra and these photons permit of course the actual 3 known forces in increasing simply this balance gravitation antigravitation in forces. We have a fifth force and this force is more than fascinating considering its complexity of codes ....a new entropy appears a new theory of informations.
Einstein and Newton were right in their referentials, now we can go farer in completing their works about deeper referentials.
This equation intuitive that I have improved during these years can be revolutionary if I am right, physically and philosophically speaking, E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc²