Dear Joe, happy to meet you again in this Forum. Thanks for your kind words. I agreed with you that reality, no matter how small it is like electrons, protons or even a bit in the computer logics are unique in absolute digital time T тЙд 10^-1000 seconds and unique in the latitude and altitude in 3D time (space) in time Lm. It is orbiting our Sun with the speed of about 30 Km/second while spinning on iits axis 24 hours a day. Together, our solar system, we are also orbiting the center of our Milky Way galaxy at the speed of about 220 km/s and so on.. In orther words, at least the coordinates of each bit, electron and proton are in flux as Heraclitus pointed out over 2 thousand years ago. Thus, KQID agrees with you in fact. Although, for practicality we can deem all electrons and protons are identical in time. It is practical to measure quantum phenomena to collapse the wave function to survive and/or exert control over nature as much as we could solely for our survival as well as to improve our state of being here and now. In KQID every digit 1 as you eloquently pointed out is actual unique. Just like we are counting 10 apples to buy and sale with the same price per apple although each apple is unique and each has unique intrinsic value, it is ignored for practicality to evaluate each apple of its intrinsic value. We can measure it to eternity, we would fail because each time it is unique. A month old picked apple is clearly different from one day old picked apple. I think any realist if he is a true scientist must agree with you. I agree with you in principle but not in practicality of Existence. I will read and rate your essay favorably as I always do. So far I have rated 10 to all essays that I rated because I found each is uniquely great essay. Also I am practicing Giving first Taking later principle. I hope it will work in practice.
Best regards,
Leo KoGuan