Dear John, thanks for your kind and generous comment. I also think that we are a soulmate of consciousness. You and I are one in the Spock's mind-meld. Our souls are entangled somehow and somewhat.

Yes indeed and I quote you: "The total amount of energy the earth is receiving each day from the sun is 174 PETAWATT (1015 Watt)!!! This divided by the 7 billion habitants , gives an income per habitant of 102.000.000 watts per day !!! .... So actually nobody needs to be poor." Yes, we are rich beyond belief and we are living in Leibniz's best possible world.

Yes, we are entering into a new phase of an economic system powered by KQID that I called as the Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch economic System. You wrote powerfully and yet logically: "The best "technology" to achieve these ideals is taking care of our children and educate them not to strive for (short) economic profit but to strive for the growth of their own consciousness, so that every other individual can share in its findings. Communication is already becoming common sense. Science should be admissible for everyone. Skype (free of charge communication so attainable for all) and Wikipedia (free knowledge available to all) are good examples of the directions we have to explore our united force with the respect of individuality."

You also wrote: "Throw ALL information of ALL the universes that constitute the multi-verse together in one basket (also the ones that in our perception are impossible universes with different fundamental constants) and stir it up to one non-causal unity (yes it seems like chaos). In this way we have created a flaw imagination of "Total Simultaneity" (TS). (11) In this basket there are no "material realities" but "availabilities". Availabilities of ALL information. Imagine all the slices of all block-universes together but not as realized lined-up causal realities. These slices could furthermore be imagined as two-dimensional holographic representations of a three-dimensional universe. But how do we experience reality ? What is the entity that enables Time and Space ? Are we in control of our reality ?

Answer : Our consciousness is THE essential "tool" in creating the causal reality that we are aware of .We argue that our consciousness is a constituted of two entangled parts: the causal part and the non-causal part. Causal consciousness stretches out into the basket of Total Simultaneity where it becomes non-causal, this "non-causal/causal connection" can be imagined as entanglement-like and timeless. In this basket of Total Simultaneity our non-causal consciousness has the choice between the infinity of availabilities of slices of universes, and each slice is the center of possible time/life line that stretches out from the past and into a future,"

Wonderful essay too far ahead of its time, that is why most people are behind in their consciousness. We need Total Simultaneity in your conception and in mine it is our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, , -) that contains all that is.

Thanks you and I rated you a ten (10) in this contest.

Good luck and best wishes,

Leo KoGuan

I repost it here.

Dear Lawrence,

Fantastic essay indeed! You wrote powerfully and wonderfully: "The question in the end is whether this in fact might be a good thing. We are in age where the ability to simulate the world is very advanced, and will advance much further. Further, the interface between human brains and computers is becoming very close. For an overview of the brain-computer interface (BCI) see [3]. BCI is an experimental science and it is a matter of time before this is commonplace. People will before long embrace this eagerly, just as people now spend many hours a day on smart phones. It means soon the ability to simulate the world and to experience that virtual world directly through the brain will become reality. At some point the human mind itself might be simulated or uploaded into a cyber network. The distinction between reality and virtual reality could well become increasingly lost in the near future. It may then become questionable whether the entire universe we observe is not some grand simulation. The game masters might be humans, or they might be other extraterrestrial life forms, and we may be avatars in this game, much as with the move "The Matrix."Without limits on this sort of development we canˆat know whether the world we observe is ultimately just a computer game run by unseen programmers or superagents."

Please forgive me to put my writing in your blog, because I respect you are as a great and creative scientist. However, I may be too "bold" to you. I see no limit in our simulated reality, although I believe the reality is simulated by our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, +, -). We are avatars of our Ancestor. Thus, even if we humans or our descendants who would actually do the simulation from KQID perspective it is still our Ancestor Qbit through us or our descendants would actually do it. Here below if I may state it briefly quoted from my another writing:

"Our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, +, -) emerges from Non-existence by its own free will to exist based on KQID Giving first and Taking later principle as the founding omni-principle that creates and distributes Existence. Using this KQID founding principle, it wills itself to emerge from Non-existence. Therefore, the Giving first Taking later founding omni-principle is actually the Qbit itself. From this founding principle, the Qbit writes the simplest and shortest Founder's algorithmic codes possible to ensure its all possible evolutions for all eternity. The Qbit including its founding codes evolves and adapts itself according to Darwinian natural selection and meme codes mutation to deal with all possibilities and potentialities every absolute digital time ≤ 10^-1000seconds. I called the Founder's codes: the Zeroth Law: Ξ 00 Ξ Ee^iτ=A+S = IΨ(CTE) = Ψ(iτLx,y,z, Lm) ⊆T = 1. Existence must be a unitary physical system in the zero dimension, in the zero time and in the absolute zero temperature. It is mandatory that information cannot be deleted nor destroyed to keep itself always forever in the pure state of quantum superposition. Its evolution has to be unitary one in which the total sums of the quantum probability of the whole system is always normalized unitary 1. Our Ancestor Qbit (00, +, -) is the singularity programmer, KQID computer and the projector three in one applying the shortest and simplest possible one line algorithmic formula Ee^iτ=A+S ⊆T = 1 to compute, simulate and project Shakespearian meme-actor ΙΨ(CTE) acting on relativistic stage (iτLx,y,x, Lm) hologram Multiverse."

Now I can rate your essay and I rated it a ten (10). I really love and enjoy it.

I wish you the best, Leo KoGuan

Sorry Wilhelmus de Wilde, I keep calling everyone John. I must be too tired lately. My apology. Best wishes, Leo KoGuan.

Dear Leo,

Very original and deep essay. Yes, indeed, to more reliably steer the Spaceship called Earth, Humanity must have a "Great Dream" and "The Great Common Cause". Chinese philosophy helps create the reality of such a Dream. It is extremely important that you updated the concepts "Dao" and "Law". I believe that they lie at the base of a new model of the Universe of the Information age . And even more deeply in the Knowledge Based - "magic matrix Luò Shu". "Dao" and "Law" allow more confident to overcome the dangers that meets Humanity and the Earth in Space. Science can give Humanity a lot. But it must be open to Humanity . Great Dream always go alond with Freedom without fear, Hope, Love.I wish you success in the contest and research! It's time. We start the path. The New Era and a New Generation demanded action. «Let's sing together a song of delight».

High regard,


    • [deleted]

    Dear Vladimir, thanks for your generous comment. Fu Xi-Xuan Yuan Bagua is connected with the "Lo shu magic square" that if we add up the numbers in each diagonal, column, and row , we always get fifteen (15). My KQID is also based on Fu Xi-Xuan Yuan's digital Bagua that represents nature as well as human society. I read and rated highly your original essay. I am glad to be part of Gaia concerned citizens. I am rationally optimistic that we have great future and the best has yet arrived because of you the participants.

    Best wishes,

    Leo KoGuan

    6 days later


    It was a delight to meet a soul-mate who understands as I do that education and mobility are human entitlements just as necessary as food, clothing and shelter.

    "Man is born free but enslaved everywhere by No-Free Lunch Economic System, the economic and philosophical paradigm of today."

    Indeed. I can't see that the world will be safe for democracy unless we discard this cynical myth, and learn to be wealthy together.

    Strong score from me.

    All best,


      Dear Tom,

      Thanks for your kind comment for my essay. We share the same idea that not only a free-lunch system is possible but it is mandatory. I pointed out in my essay that the no-free-lunch system is based on the false myth that the no free lunch system is the eternal truth. This is false! We can have a free-lunch system powered by KQID free-lunch engine. I agreed with your argument here: "Point is, the metastability of the system over time suggests that a continually shifting range of activity represented by changing hub configurations is self limiting; as a result, the global domain is largely protected from the danger of positive feedback - i.e., a loss of system control and potential widespread self- reinforcing destruction. In the history of the world wars, one can identify such unchecked feedback of escalating hostilities. Even in the present world, one can make a good argument that the specter of damaging positive feedback, festering in individual areas of the world - among failed governments, local armed resistance to despotic regimes, piracy, organized crime and racketeering, human trafficking - is tinder for a future conflagration."

      Let us fight together to debunk this false myth. I rated your original unique essay a full ten (10) that it deserves.

      I wish you well always,

      Leo KoGuan

      reply to this thread

      Dear Aaron,

      I agreed. I rated your essay a full score 10.

      I wish you luck,

      Leo KoGuan

      Hi Leo,

      Thank you for your kinds words. I'm glad you liked my essay so much. I look forward to reading yours and others this weekend, after my last final in my technical program.



        Hi Leo,

        Your essay is quite imaginative - your really think "outside the box"! I particularly like your quote, from Arthur C. Clarke,

        "The goal of the future is full unemployment, so we can play."

        I agree with you on the importance of education. In my essay, I argue that to optimize the effect of education on our ability to successfully steer the future, we should refocus the curriculum on issues that are the most important for the future of humanity... what I call the "Futurocentric Curriculum". If you have the time to check out my essay, rate it and comment on it, I would greatly appreciate it!


          Dear Marc,

          We share the same goal and idea.

          "If humanity is to successfully steer the future, its citizens will need to rise to the challenge and become future-literate. Let us bet that knowledge is a good thing, and that the more numerous are the citizens of the world who have a sound basic understanding of the way the world is and evolves, the more happy, prosperous and secure the future of humanity will be.

          Let the Futurocentric Education Initiative begin. Educators of the world, the future is in your hands!"

          I give you a full mark 10.

          Best of luck,

          Leo KoGuan

          Dear Leo KoGuan,

          I found your essay very interesting. Xuan Yuan seems a fascinating thinker, who almost five thousand years spoke about human rights and freedom in a way very close to the way we see them today. Also, I like very much your words "Thus, because each is working for his/her dreams and aspirations, everyone is super creative, super innovative and super productive in his/her creation and distributions of his/her objects of desire." I also agree that people are slaves because of their mortgages, and while this seems fair, because they are given the opportunity to have a house or a car, the truth is they are enslaved for this, and are not protected at all against the real estates price manipulations. This kind of issue should be covered by the most basic insurance, but it is not: some get incredibly rich by manipulating the market and destroying other's lives. You advocate and support freedom from catastrophic insurance of all types, from unwanted and boring jobs, and free education and health. We are free in theory to do various of things, the price being that to free ourselves from some chains we have to accept others, for instance, if we want to have access to health care and to education for our children, we can't be free from unwanted and boring jobs, and so on. We are always forced into compromises of any kind. In Romania (my country), compromise happened during the communist regime before 1989, and now it happens again under various regimes that fight for the power. It is so nice that from time to time people who honestly try to help and give free lunches appear. I wish you good luck with the essay!

          Best regards,


            Dear Cristi,

            We share the same dreams and aspirations. You wrote: "Man is a lost child, trying to find his way. The main purpose of science, technology, ethics, politics, religion, should be to understand and support humans, their freedom and right to happiness."

            I rated your essay highly.

            Best wishes and good luck,

            Leo KoGuan

            Greetings Leo KoGuan,

            Your essay was a delight to read, and I think you are one of the best at articulating the future we would all like to have - of any of the essay authors. Xuan Yong's Da Tong is more than just a Chinese Dream; it is an enviable state of affairs for any society to achieve, and one to which all enlightened human beings aspire. The main deterrent is the prevailing influence of ignorance, which is causing governments and corporations to scale down their efforts and funding for research - as well as higher education - at a time when they are what is most needed to assure progress and boost the economy long-term. Short sighted leaders have made it difficult to realize the dream, and to actualize what Xuan Yong called Da Tong.

            Perhaps we need Operating System 2.0 today! But are people ready for a scientific ethical and legal system? I have been working for a number of years now to create a framework for qualitative or subjective search engines and databases, and I've even included some of the fruits of my research in that area in my FQXi essays, so it will be clear to all that this model follows from my prior work. Personally; I'd rather work with R2-D2 and C3PO than work for a Terminator style robot, and this is a necessary step in that direction. However; if we did create this technology, and fed into the computer works of the great philosophers, religious texts, legal documents, and so on; it would calculate percentage truth-values for various assertions contained therein.

            Of course; it will cause the worst scandal in history when people realize that a computer is being made the arbiter of their religion. This is why such things must be handled with some sensitivity. It is also why I think the proposal of Jens Niemeyer for a repository of knowledge is important to humanity's survival, and deserves the development and use of such technology. This goes way beyond the Dewey decimal system, and could be a way to achieve a scientific level of fair representation - which is a necessary step in your plan - but will ordinary humans be willing to set cherished beliefs aside, in order to realize a bright future instead of dystopia? I hope we can both help make things better.

            All the Best,


            Greetings Jon, grateful for your kind remark. I wish you are doing well here and now, Leo KoGuan

            Hi Leo,

            High aim is most admirable, (low aim is a crime). This essay has the highest goals and gets my admiration. I also like your concept of the Planck Mind.... Perhaps it should be listed along with the other Planck Units :)

            Logic, Mystery, Play, Humanity, New and Ancient Knowledge who could ask for more!

            Good to see you in another essay contest. Wishing you success in everything!

            Don Limuti


              How wonderful to escape the modern western domain that struggles so badly to face up to infinity and eternal life. I feel we are in many ways embedded into a deep rut with understanding limited by the walls. Many claim practical considerations preclude what they call 'flights of fancy'. I don't agree. I've 'practically' shown how we can scientifically derive eternal rebirth through regular and infinite recycling of our very protons with unlimited energy, explaining a host of anomalies. But this year I open the crack around that shell by showing that 'spooky' quantum effects are purely classical effects we haven't understood. Will it be another 4,000 years before we do? If seems perhaps so the way we thin, so all the more refreshing to be shell-shocked by a whole new and ancient view.

              I commend you, and I wonder if my recycling cosmic eternity isn't really very close that of the ancients. The second law does not survive as entropy is a temporaray state. Most of the greats have proposed versions without the ontological construction. The 'big bang' is all the more remarkable as a fatherless survivor fed only by our fear of thinking beyond some defined point and to infinity.

              Very best wishes


              Reading for after you've read the essays; Eternal proton recycling.

                5 days later

                Hi Leo,

                Finally got to read your essay. I like it.

                I totally agree with you when you say: "man has the unalienable right to pursue his/her own personal goal in life" and "from each to each according to his/her dreams and aspirations".

                Where we may be slightly different is your emphasis on "collective will" while I emphasize individual freedom in my essay (here). I look forward to your comments.

                -- Ajay

                  I repost my comment in this blog.


                  I think your essay is outstanding and very creative. I like it very much. We don't agree on everything. At least I agree that "there was no boundary between the classical and quantum worlds". If I may explain that KQID theory is monism. Therefore there is only one physics and one entangled hologram Existence. KQID Five Ones: one source Qbit( 00, +, -), one principle of "Giving first Taking later", one theory of "bit is it, and it is bit", one formula Ee^iτ = A + S ⊆ T that iteratively produce unitary one (1), that creates and distributes one entangled hologram Existence. We are all connected.

                  Your essay is a masterpiece, it is unique and it is creative. I rated your essay the highest score ten (10). I noted from your comment that many trolls in this contest thus I noted that be fire I voted you got 5.9 average score voted by 42, now it is 6.0 voted by 43.

                  I wish you the best and hope we can become friends,

                  Leo KoGuan


                  I agree with your conclusion that "Humanity can succeed at this by steering the global public to play, dream and tinker with science." On your comment on "collective will" here means that we collectively as individuals are working together to achieve Xuan Yuan's Da Tong. For example, Ajay is one person but he is made of about 75 trillions of cells that are working collectively as one Ajay.

                  Thanks for your comment. And I will repost this in your blog.


                  Leo KoGuan