Dear John, thanks for your kind and generous comment. I also think that we are a soulmate of consciousness. You and I are one in the Spock's mind-meld. Our souls are entangled somehow and somewhat.
Yes indeed and I quote you: "The total amount of energy the earth is receiving each day from the sun is 174 PETAWATT (1015 Watt)!!! This divided by the 7 billion habitants , gives an income per habitant of 102.000.000 watts per day !!! .... So actually nobody needs to be poor." Yes, we are rich beyond belief and we are living in Leibniz's best possible world.
Yes, we are entering into a new phase of an economic system powered by KQID that I called as the Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch economic System. You wrote powerfully and yet logically: "The best "technology" to achieve these ideals is taking care of our children and educate them not to strive for (short) economic profit but to strive for the growth of their own consciousness, so that every other individual can share in its findings. Communication is already becoming common sense. Science should be admissible for everyone. Skype (free of charge communication so attainable for all) and Wikipedia (free knowledge available to all) are good examples of the directions we have to explore our united force with the respect of individuality."
You also wrote: "Throw ALL information of ALL the universes that constitute the multi-verse together in one basket (also the ones that in our perception are impossible universes with different fundamental constants) and stir it up to one non-causal unity (yes it seems like chaos). In this way we have created a flaw imagination of "Total Simultaneity" (TS). (11) In this basket there are no "material realities" but "availabilities". Availabilities of ALL information. Imagine all the slices of all block-universes together but not as realized lined-up causal realities. These slices could furthermore be imagined as two-dimensional holographic representations of a three-dimensional universe. But how do we experience reality ? What is the entity that enables Time and Space ? Are we in control of our reality ?
Answer : Our consciousness is THE essential "tool" in creating the causal reality that we are aware of .We argue that our consciousness is a constituted of two entangled parts: the causal part and the non-causal part. Causal consciousness stretches out into the basket of Total Simultaneity where it becomes non-causal, this "non-causal/causal connection" can be imagined as entanglement-like and timeless. In this basket of Total Simultaneity our non-causal consciousness has the choice between the infinity of availabilities of slices of universes, and each slice is the center of possible time/life line that stretches out from the past and into a future,"
Wonderful essay too far ahead of its time, that is why most people are behind in their consciousness. We need Total Simultaneity in your conception and in mine it is our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, , -) that contains all that is.
Thanks you and I rated you a ten (10) in this contest.
Good luck and best wishes,
Leo KoGuan