yoyu are not special in thinking in these things, I am for the democracy, the freedom , the prosperity, the peace, and for this we must change and improve the global system because we know that it lacks foundamental parameters
Global Collaboration
Taking away gun rights is not freedom. Therefore you are NOT about freedom.
well, I ask me if you understand what I have told, I have told that I find sad that we have borders, guns and the money like human creations, I am conscious that we are obliged to do with thema actiually and for the guns I understand that they are sometimes necessary to stop the human crazzyness, so don t tell stupidities, I say that they are sad inventions , probably that in the future if the consciousness evolves well we could live without, it is just this that I tell, I know that a policmen or the army must have arms for the disuasion, you confound all Jason,
What's wrong with guns? Guns protect people from mobs and bullies. You don't like guns because they prevent you from tyrannizing the weak.
you are crazy Jason , you cannot relativate and be a real universalist, are you conscious of this, I beleive that no unfortunally , you cannot recognise that the guns could be not necessary is we lived in peace , we could live without fear of our fellowmen if the consciousness is a reality for all humans, I don t undersatand how you cannot recognise this, we are youngs and we have an odd global psychology and indeed the arms , guns and weapons permit to stop the crazzy persons but in the future we could live without, just the high spheres of power could have them, and not the humans because they are simply concious,
all what you tell shows a dangerous comportment for me even , but it is an other story, all the extremists act like this, they are persuaded and want to impose their ideologies, you make the same,
Guns are freedom. Guns are protection. Guns are fun. It's like playing golf with 5.56 rounds LOL!!!
If humanity achieves some pinnacle of spiritual perfection, we will still have guns because they're fun!!!
Not having guns is a symbol of slavery. Your kind of slavery.
you are not a real universalist understanding the wisdom, you are too much endoctrinated, have fun but never forget that you don t understand this wisdom, you seems to want to impose the slavery with guns to oblige to accept your ideology, it is not fun, it is a kind of tyrany due to the force, so you don t understand the force and the real universalism, you are simply a person illuminated confounding all , too much endoctrinated and persuaded, but the hope exists, maybe you could evolve one day in contemplating in the fly of a bee the hopes of this universe
This does not belong here, delete. Jason stop now.
I tried to bring you back into order, but then you had no time to discuss properly. Now you again draw up old garbage. It has nothing to do here as a constructive debate. Ulla.
I am sorry that freedom and rights have no place here.
the freedom yes, the stupidity no Jason, the freedom is also to delete the stupid things simply with or without your approvements
Steve, try to be a little bit more civilized. Please explain to me why we don't need to have the freedom of owning guns. That is your challenge.
The PRINCIPLE of owing guns also wear them in public, can maybe be discussed, but without insultings. It should not touch the persons. Here we discuss only generally and objectively. And above all collectively.
If I say I am against guns generally it does not mean I am against freedom. It is really the opposite. This 'discussion' here only tell me that there is a big problem in USA. This problem has roots in history, so it should be well studied.
As John Cox also said the economic system is maybe linked here and need some regulations too. If you believe in force and power in one system you easily believe in force and power generally.
America is not perfect just as Findland is not perfect. Ulla Mattfolk, your homeland is not perfect either.
Having said that, gun ownership works very well in our country. There are some riots because the Marxists have brainwashed our students too much. But if you watch these videos, there is quite a bit of pepper spray and bear spray, paint balls, tazers, some fists, lots of chanting, taunting and even some discussions.
Ulla, you said "If you believe in force and power in one system you easily believe in force and power generally."
That is not what all this is about. Certainly not what gun ownership is about. If anything, guns are a deterrent to tyrannical government, angry mobs and rioters. I should mention that I bought some bear spray because it's a better way to control those things.
Dear FQXi , like I said this project is important to me, mor important than my theory. I am not better than the others, I am sincere, I beleive strongly that in team and with concrete rational global solutions, we can make a difference and convice this UN. Alone we are nothing and alone I will not success of course. I know that the MIT is the best , the first university and that it is at New York , we need to work in team, I don t want to be a leader, never I will be a leader, I just want to have authorities helping in this project, the butterfly effects can be a reality in utilising the interactions between the systems, the UN and the world bank are at New York also , we can do it with wisdom. The member of FQXi are relevant, here is the list,
Scott Aaronson
Anthony Aguirre
Yakir Aharonov
John Carlos Baez
Julian Barbour
John D. Barrow
Raphael Bousso
Sean Carroll
David Chalmers
Paul Davies
David Deutsch
George F. R. Ellis
Nicolas Gisin
Brian Greene
Sabine Hossenfelder
Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Seth Lloyd
George Musser
Roger Penrose
Lisa Randall
Martin Rees
Carlo Rovelli
Lee Smolin
Leonard Susskind
Gerard 't Hooft
Max Tegmark
Vlatko Vedral
Steven Weinberg
Frank Wilczek
Stephen Wolfram
Anton Zeilinger
Wojciech Zurek
I know that there are real universalists able to work in this project , I know also that probably some shall be not ok, due to several reasons and I know also that the vanity is a reality, we are all like this the humans and we have sometimes difficulties to follow, many prefer to be followed, but here it is not the problem, a time for all, we can make an incredible revolution and be taken seriously by the UN, me alsone I cannot , I need you,we need to create synergies and a concrete multidisciplinary team , and we need also to create this detailed book of solutions for this UN. All wins I repeat, each govenments, multinationals, lobbies, enteprises, isntitutes, societies, the poorest like the richest. This win win is foundamental in finding the adapted global solutions. It can be the most important revolution of all times, the politicians and others are welcome also, we need all skillings in fact to arrive at this goal. I just want the common global well, with concrete adapted solutions in all centers of interest, it is just optimisations, improvements in fact of our global systems, that will permit to create better qualities of lifes , and that will decreasethe odd global psychology, the majoriity needs to be reasured. I hope of all my heart that we shall success, it is a new step of evolution for our earth, we are obliged to adapt us. Fqxi , thansk still for this group created, we can do it with sciences and consciousness and rationalism. The universe shows us the truths, so we cvan follow these truths. Best Regards
Jason, you have understood it wrongly. A gun does not represent freedom, it represents FORCE. If you have a gun you have the force, if someone else have a gun they have the force. etc. If you think of terror it is made using forces.
It is not freedom.
You can easily own a gun, if you promise to never use it and it is locked up in a safe, as we have it here. You have a license for it. You must prove you can use it wisely by taking a course and do an exam.
A gun is not a toy. It is not 'cool'.
Maybe you feel castrated without a gun? It is just a feeling. If it is serious you should go for treatment. This group is not aimed for that.
I will be honnored to have the ideas, advices of members, many are very very relevant and I invite them to discuss about their ideas to improve this global planet earth,
Jason, I repeat , I prefer a world without but I am aware that we cannot now, I beleive that these guns could be utilised in the future just in the high spheres of power to disuade, it is the real relevance of the theory of game and the points of equilibrium this disuasion, now all are free to have or not a gun, my choice is to live without and I respect your choice to live with
I should mention that I bought some bear spray because it's a better way to control those things.
Congrats. Maybe you start to understand it slowly.
We have made this group here because there is no perfect country on Earth. We should COLLABORATE to do Earth a better place to continue to live on. Rather with new solutions, like bear sprays, which btw are not allowed here either. Too dangerous if used wrongly, and also if used against a bear...
Thanks, Ulla.
Do you feel castrated by my gun ownership?
I have to admit to you that guns are cool!!!!! They are so much fun!!! I wish I had more money to buy more cool guns, but there are people I can watch on youtube who do fun things with guns. Have you ever wondered how many pillows it takes to stop a 44 magnum? How many water melons can a 9mm penetrate? Then, there was that video of a gun versus a sword!!! LOL
I'm not sure what to tell you. I don't feel inclined to tell you the real status of my gun(s).
All I can say is that gun ownership is a good thing. It's a nice feeling to be able to protect your home.