Dear FQXi , like I said this project is important to me, mor important than my theory. I am not better than the others, I am sincere, I beleive strongly that in team and with concrete rational global solutions, we can make a difference and convice this UN. Alone we are nothing and alone I will not success of course. I know that the MIT is the best , the first university and that it is at New York , we need to work in team, I don t want to be a leader, never I will be a leader, I just want to have authorities helping in this project, the butterfly effects can be a reality in utilising the interactions between the systems, the UN and the world bank are at New York also , we can do it with wisdom. The member of FQXi are relevant, here is the list,
Scott Aaronson
Anthony Aguirre
Yakir Aharonov
John Carlos Baez
Julian Barbour
John D. Barrow
Raphael Bousso
Sean Carroll
David Chalmers
Paul Davies
David Deutsch
George F. R. Ellis
Nicolas Gisin
Brian Greene
Sabine Hossenfelder
Robert Lawrence Kuhn
Seth Lloyd
George Musser
Roger Penrose
Lisa Randall
Martin Rees
Carlo Rovelli
Lee Smolin
Leonard Susskind
Gerard 't Hooft
Max Tegmark
Vlatko Vedral
Steven Weinberg
Frank Wilczek
Stephen Wolfram
Anton Zeilinger
Wojciech Zurek
I know that there are real universalists able to work in this project , I know also that probably some shall be not ok, due to several reasons and I know also that the vanity is a reality, we are all like this the humans and we have sometimes difficulties to follow, many prefer to be followed, but here it is not the problem, a time for all, we can make an incredible revolution and be taken seriously by the UN, me alsone I cannot , I need you,we need to create synergies and a concrete multidisciplinary team , and we need also to create this detailed book of solutions for this UN. All wins I repeat, each govenments, multinationals, lobbies, enteprises, isntitutes, societies, the poorest like the richest. This win win is foundamental in finding the adapted global solutions. It can be the most important revolution of all times, the politicians and others are welcome also, we need all skillings in fact to arrive at this goal. I just want the common global well, with concrete adapted solutions in all centers of interest, it is just optimisations, improvements in fact of our global systems, that will permit to create better qualities of lifes , and that will decreasethe odd global psychology, the majoriity needs to be reasured. I hope of all my heart that we shall success, it is a new step of evolution for our earth, we are obliged to adapt us. Fqxi , thansk still for this group created, we can do it with sciences and consciousness and rationalism. The universe shows us the truths, so we cvan follow these truths. Best Regards