- Edited
There is no Physics, in physics!
The world is not operating physically. It is operating symbolically! All the way down! Like the discrete letters of an alphabet, embedded within a continuous, cursive script.
And each individual letter, MUST appear to "the Uninformed" as white noise!!!
Noise is not causing problems with measurements! Noise is the language of Reality. All of it - from top to bottom.
"Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here!" Dante
Stop talking with Measurements. Stop talking with Calculus.
Physicists need to learn to speak "Noise", not Measurements
Physicists need to learn to speak "Noise", not Calculus.
Shannon will teach them how, if they ever bother to listen.
Once you learn to speak the language of Mother Nature, the language of Noise, nothing gets "Lost in Translation" anymore, into the inadequate language of Modern Physics. EVERYTHING, not just Physics, starts to make Perfect Sense.
All of physics, has merely discovered how to make perfect copies of Mother Nature's hand-written, cursive scripts; how to write "laws" that merely describe, what is being observed. But only Shannon ever discovered how to ACTUALLY READ that script! How to cause deterministic effects, and thereby EMERGE from the old-Reality of the Chaos of random noise, into a new-Reality of Deterministic noise.
After working through dozens of pages of standard, complicated math dealing with measurements and noise and probability and error-correcting codes, Shannon finally... finally... obtained ENLIGHTENMENT:
The net effect of all that crap, was just to construct symbols that ended-up behaving, statistically, just like white noise!
Hence, you can just skip all that crap, and use actual noise samples to write perfectly deterministic scripts; scripts that could be perfectly read (with no Uncertainty whatsoever), even when submerged under an entire ocean of other noise! Deterministic behaviors can been created, entirely out of The Chaos itself!
That is what a "quantum of information" is - a packet of noise, Mother Nature's Alphabet, riding upon some sort of physical "carrier", that looks, to all the ignorant "Uninformed" (AKA physicists), just like random noise, but can be perfectly (with no "uncertainty") read by the "Informed", to induce deterministic behaviors to emerge from seeming chaos!
Quantum Physics and the End of Reality...
Indeed. The end of all reality as we know it - as we have incorrectly conceived of it.
"The trouble with people is not that they don’t know but that they know so much that ain’t so." Josh Billings
From the ashes of entirely random, physical behaviors (Chaos), REALITY, like the ultimate hacker, has managed to continuously overwrite and enlarge its own "operating system" (Laws of Nature) using the language of pure noise (the only "material" available, in a Cosmos, consisting of nothing but CHAOS!) to produce a new, ever-changing reality, that now includes an ever-growing set of entirely, deterministic behaviors. The Great Phoenix, rises from the ashes. So, the ancient legends are true - although some things were indeed, lost in translation.
For centuries, philosophers and physicists, theologians and politicians, have all been searching for "that which is necessary" to explain reality. But nothing is necessary (think about that: there is something within nothing/chaos!); other than one thing being sufficient. Entirely sufficient: Noise just needs to behavior like noise.
But no one on this Earth every knew that one, simple, astonishing fact; until Shannon achieved ENLIGHTENMENT.