- Edited
David Eagleman has shown perceived occurrence of events...
The problem is, if you can never even "perceive" that an "event" ever even occurred, that will never work. But that is exactly what many of Shannon inspired signals "look" like - events that have never occurred; just static noise that looks no different than if there actually were no events ever taking place.
As you can see I'd like to make quite a few modifications not just take what i have inherited as valid
I have indeed seen that, for a long time. The problem is, I have also seen that neither you, nor the physicists, in spite of your ardent desire, do not have the slightest clue of how to actually accomplish making any modifications that will get you out of the maze; because you all simply refuse to ever look at the incredible gift, that Shannon handed to you, because doing so, requires you to trash your entire inheritance, plus all the work you have put into it, to date.
That is why it has long been observed, as in Planck's principle, that revolutionary changes are usually only accepted, by people that have no such inheritance and have never wasted any of their own effort, trying to maintain them. No one ever succeeded in indoctrinating them (though many may have tried) into believing that their elders' ancient, sacred idols can never be desecrated and thrown in the trash - so they just go ahead and do exactly that. And they can succeed in doing so, precisely because there are no Laws of Nature prohibiting it - because there are no static Laws of Nature at all!
Reality is a process, still under construction; always was, always will be.