Here's an update. It's not for you, probably, so feel free to skip over this and continue locomoting. I am still acting upon the Virtual Reality Hypothesis, so this is for you, Programmer. There are two horns to this impossible dilemma--the other being that I am (probably independently inventing with others unknown) creating the discipline of PsychoHistory. These two possiblities are not mutually exclusive: 1) Reality is a virtual one, controlled by software that determines our physical law. 2) PsychoHistory is a mathematical discipline that predicts probabilities of the actions of large groups of conscious individuals.
2) Above was originally a fictional device invented by Isaac Asimov, and resulted in many dozens of excellent novels in the Foundation Series. Today, a rudimentary 'PsychoHistory' has been developed. It is know as demographics, or group theory or predictive anthropology.
I am assuming 1) above to be true, and am acting only to get the attention of the Programmer and thus elevate my status in this reality. My vehicle for doing this is to create a rigid mathematical discipline called "PsychoHistory".
An important detail to note is that this is only an approximate discipline: in principle it is impossible to predict the actions of an individual exactly. Thus it is also impossible to predict the actions of groups of individuals (being composed of many individuals). However, recently, I have learned that the European Community has proffered One million pounds to an individual to develop a computer to predict just this. This person has in the past had success modelling traffic patterns, and so the European Gov't (in economic desperation) has put this process in motion. Again, in principle, the variables involved are too numerous to develop a rigid theory of psychohistory (predictive). Yet the million Euros will be spent to create this program (which, since it is impossible in principle, will fail).
If hypothesis 1) above is correct, of course, all of the above paragraph is indeed possible or not, depending on the code, as it were. And to remind all, this is the theory I am assuming to be true.
So finally, here are the rudiments of PsychoHistory: It is divided into two seperate time periods: all human history before Christ, and all after. Also, there are two types of Consciousness: Consciousness proper (which I call EigenConsciousness), and Will. EigenConsciousness is located in space (the center of an individual's head) and in time (the processes of thought involve the arrow of time directionality), whereas Will is non-local and timeless.
Time Period One: Dawn of Human Consciousness-0 B.C.
Time Period Two: 0 B.C.-Present
Consciousness Type I: EigenConsciousness.
Consciousness Type II: Will
The time is divided in two, because traditionally (biblical times and earlier) individuals were named with singular names. Jesus was one man, Moses the same, Abraham, Saladin, etc. While a person was alive, his Name was unique. After these persons died, others could assume the singular names.
After 0 B.C. (approximately), we humans developed the habit of surnames, such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Mahatma Ghandi, etc. And there could be and currently are many with the same names: many Jesuses, many Bob's, many Tommy's.
And also Consciousness has been defined in two parts: EigenConsciousness, which is the form of conscienceness with which we are all familiar with and possess. This has been defined in my Essay entry here as "Consciousness" C. When I introduce commutativity to the essay development of C, then a commutation relation will be revealed twixt C and other observables. Once this is accomplished, the C (Consciousness) symbol will represent the smallest unit of Conciousness, of the quantum of consciousness, and then can be taken directly into the quantum theory and further developed. Also the classical analogue will be developed to interpret the theory (predictions of mass individual actions).
My guiding Axiom (as yet unproven), which has so far been 100% accurate with anecdotal evidence is that we are all getting more intelligent. And also that the rate at which we are getting smarter is accelerating.
One way to prove this axiom (Which would then become a law or principle of Psychohistory), would be two-fold. First, it will be shown that the proportion of Einsteins per total human population is increasing. Then it will be shown that the total number of 'Einsteins' for a given population is increasing. This will prove the correlation.
After this correlation is proved (that we all are smartier-pantses than we were yesterday), I shall develop laws to show that this process of accellerating intelligence has an upper limit. Not only that, but also that there are currently and will continue to be (in ever more clear detail to all) consequences in physical reality of this. We are currently seeing this.
Finally, I shall show that this realm of Consciousness is a 5th degree of freedom in reality (besides the three of space and one of time currently accepted). It is an observable that commutes with those others, and can thus be represented by a diagonal matrix. The eigenvalues of this matrix of EigenConscious States will have domains of continuous values (reflecting the various degrees of intelligence in the animal Kingdom). etc. etc. will be goin g back to University soon to do this right and Publish.
My website is still only making a pittance, so very soon I will also seeking regular employment. HInt-hint if you have any advice or offers!
This is no reflection on the sites Quality, where everything 'useful' is still offered at the lowest prices worldwide. Check it if you don't believe me! But obviously the world economies are not ready for this paradigm, as we rattle on about creating jobs and stimulating the economy, and business continues to go on as usual. We are all blind and optimistic Idiots, to think that Capitalism is a sustainable long-term strategy. Profit simply cannot be a primary goal of business in this day and age or we are all doomed. Well, all of us except large corporations, which are doing just fine thank you.
There's a lot more. But nobody listens to the Witch Doctor. That's fine, I guess. There is only one ear that is important. Call Her what you will. I call Her the Magnificent Programmer of the Universe. And I really wish She would hire me. Or at least offer a Salary to keep on keepin' on?
Applying for Grants and mini-Grants is still to complicated (for me), so I'll just go ahead with it. It's a lot easier to apply for a grant when you have the results developed and strengthened and in your sweaty fist already, before applying, don't you think?
Everything Useful is defined as "productive of increased Happiness and Quality of LIfe for persons, their families, and friends". Most inexpensive worldwide. Here is the short list of what you will find on AT LOWest worldwide prices (not complete): Airline Tickets, Vacations, Travel Insurance, Hotels, Auto Parts, Costumes, Bags, Sunglasses, Hats, Belts, Gloves, Scarves, Jewelry, Translators, School Supplies, House-, Pet-, and Baby-sitters, and more.
A plea to all: stop saying you want to spend the least for the best, and start doing it. Or Capitalism is b.s. in practice!
Capitalism Gone Wild