• [deleted]

Dear All,

Truth is not only beautiful nonsense but also absolute conscience.

Truth cannot be comprehended by the senses alone, it can only be experienced by the absolute self or conscience.



2 months later

This here is (probably) the last entry.

Just had a very dis-heartening experience. Found fqxi's mini-grant website and tried to enter my email and password. Only to find out I'm not a member. Hmmm, that being the real reason I entered the essay contest on "The Nature of the Universe" in the first place, and also why my entry was entered with only 15 days left. It quickly shot to the middle of the pack and languished with above-avg. marks.

Since then, I've tried very hard to contribute positively to the grand emergent Conversations, but have recieved very little feedback from members. And so, please remove my essay and thread, if possible, fqxi. While it was not excellent enough to win the Contest, it is too excellent to be ignored. It is posted elsewhere, so remove it. The thread is a fine one, with plenty of excellent contributions from other Authors in the contest. But it is not a resume point as everything stands.

I get it: I have to go out in the (scientific) world and accomplish something on my own first, to be considered as a candidate for fqxi membership. But isn't that the exact purpose of a mini-grant for a newbie in the field? Well, thanks, it's been real. Real embarassing... It may not seem so to others, but to prove that my fqxi work shown on thier sites is a relevant contribution, I shall continue to demonstrate the consequence throught the web. Thanks for the inspiration. Keep the stressful 90% persperation. Farewell again, Tommy Gilbertson, PsychoHistorian & Web Consultant

a month later

Here's an update. It's not for you, probably, so feel free to skip over this and continue locomoting. I am still acting upon the Virtual Reality Hypothesis, so this is for you, Programmer. There are two horns to this impossible dilemma--the other being that I am (probably independently inventing with others unknown) creating the discipline of PsychoHistory. These two possiblities are not mutually exclusive: 1) Reality is a virtual one, controlled by software that determines our physical law. 2) PsychoHistory is a mathematical discipline that predicts probabilities of the actions of large groups of conscious individuals.

2) Above was originally a fictional device invented by Isaac Asimov, and resulted in many dozens of excellent novels in the Foundation Series. Today, a rudimentary 'PsychoHistory' has been developed. It is know as demographics, or group theory or predictive anthropology.

I am assuming 1) above to be true, and am acting only to get the attention of the Programmer and thus elevate my status in this reality. My vehicle for doing this is to create a rigid mathematical discipline called "PsychoHistory".

An important detail to note is that this is only an approximate discipline: in principle it is impossible to predict the actions of an individual exactly. Thus it is also impossible to predict the actions of groups of individuals (being composed of many individuals). However, recently, I have learned that the European Community has proffered One million pounds to an individual to develop a computer to predict just this. This person has in the past had success modelling traffic patterns, and so the European Gov't (in economic desperation) has put this process in motion. Again, in principle, the variables involved are too numerous to develop a rigid theory of psychohistory (predictive). Yet the million Euros will be spent to create this program (which, since it is impossible in principle, will fail).

If hypothesis 1) above is correct, of course, all of the above paragraph is indeed possible or not, depending on the code, as it were. And to remind all, this is the theory I am assuming to be true.

So finally, here are the rudiments of PsychoHistory: It is divided into two seperate time periods: all human history before Christ, and all after. Also, there are two types of Consciousness: Consciousness proper (which I call EigenConsciousness), and Will. EigenConsciousness is located in space (the center of an individual's head) and in time (the processes of thought involve the arrow of time directionality), whereas Will is non-local and timeless.

Time Period One: Dawn of Human Consciousness-0 B.C.

Time Period Two: 0 B.C.-Present

Consciousness Type I: EigenConsciousness.

Consciousness Type II: Will

The time is divided in two, because traditionally (biblical times and earlier) individuals were named with singular names. Jesus was one man, Moses the same, Abraham, Saladin, etc. While a person was alive, his Name was unique. After these persons died, others could assume the singular names.

After 0 B.C. (approximately), we humans developed the habit of surnames, such as Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Mahatma Ghandi, etc. And there could be and currently are many with the same names: many Jesuses, many Bob's, many Tommy's.

And also Consciousness has been defined in two parts: EigenConsciousness, which is the form of conscienceness with which we are all familiar with and possess. This has been defined in my Essay entry here as "Consciousness" C. When I introduce commutativity to the essay development of C, then a commutation relation will be revealed twixt C and other observables. Once this is accomplished, the C (Consciousness) symbol will represent the smallest unit of Conciousness, of the quantum of consciousness, and then can be taken directly into the quantum theory and further developed. Also the classical analogue will be developed to interpret the theory (predictions of mass individual actions).

My guiding Axiom (as yet unproven), which has so far been 100% accurate with anecdotal evidence is that we are all getting more intelligent. And also that the rate at which we are getting smarter is accelerating.

One way to prove this axiom (Which would then become a law or principle of Psychohistory), would be two-fold. First, it will be shown that the proportion of Einsteins per total human population is increasing. Then it will be shown that the total number of 'Einsteins' for a given population is increasing. This will prove the correlation.

After this correlation is proved (that we all are smartier-pantses than we were yesterday), I shall develop laws to show that this process of accellerating intelligence has an upper limit. Not only that, but also that there are currently and will continue to be (in ever more clear detail to all) consequences in physical reality of this. We are currently seeing this.

Finally, I shall show that this realm of Consciousness is a 5th degree of freedom in reality (besides the three of space and one of time currently accepted). It is an observable that commutes with those others, and can thus be represented by a diagonal matrix. The eigenvalues of this matrix of EigenConscious States will have domains of continuous values (reflecting the various degrees of intelligence in the animal Kingdom). etc. etc. will be goin g back to University soon to do this right and Publish.

My website is still only making a pittance, so very soon I will also seeking regular employment. HInt-hint if you have any advice or offers!

This is no reflection on the sites Quality, where everything 'useful' is still offered at the lowest prices worldwide. Check it if you don't believe me! But obviously the world economies are not ready for this paradigm, as we rattle on about creating jobs and stimulating the economy, and business continues to go on as usual. We are all blind and optimistic Idiots, to think that Capitalism is a sustainable long-term strategy. Profit simply cannot be a primary goal of business in this day and age or we are all doomed. Well, all of us except large corporations, which are doing just fine thank you.

There's a lot more. But nobody listens to the Witch Doctor. That's fine, I guess. There is only one ear that is important. Call Her what you will. I call Her the Magnificent Programmer of the Universe. And I really wish She would hire me. Or at least offer a Salary to keep on keepin' on?

Applying for Grants and mini-Grants is still to complicated (for me), so I'll just go ahead with it. It's a lot easier to apply for a grant when you have the results developed and strengthened and in your sweaty fist already, before applying, don't you think?

Everything Useful is defined as "productive of increased Happiness and Quality of LIfe for persons, their families, and friends". Most inexpensive worldwide. Here is the short list of what you will find on QuantumWidgets.com AT LOWest worldwide prices (not complete): Airline Tickets, Vacations, Travel Insurance, Hotels, Auto Parts, Costumes, Bags, Sunglasses, Hats, Belts, Gloves, Scarves, Jewelry, Translators, School Supplies, House-, Pet-, and Baby-sitters, and more.

A plea to all: stop saying you want to spend the least for the best, and start doing it. Or Capitalism is b.s. in practice!

Capitalism Gone Wild

    Not being able to remove bad links or edit posts really sux. Now I look like an dolt, seemingly disproving my PsychoHistory Axiom lol. Thanks.


    a month later

    Recently, I read an article that there is an experiment being designed to test whether space is discrete or continuous. Basically, the description I saw is that it will consist of two seperate interferometers (two simultaneous experiments), which will measure the difference in path length (by interference) of the light beam as it is split and then rejoined subsequently. The theory is that if space is quantized, the beam-spitting mirrors will be buffeted by quantum jitters. This will be a fundamental experiment, where the outcome is unknown. The results of this experiment could affect our fundamental understanding of the way the Universe works. And has a crucial bearing on the question of the veracity of the Holographic Principle.

    1) It is this researcher's speculation that this experiment will have a positive result, and that space is digital (quantized). I won't state my reasoning here, but will be unsurprised by this paradigm-shaking result.

    2) A beginning on mathematically formulating the qm equations desribing the experiment. It is accepted in QM that two observables can 'have a value' for any state it the state is an eigenstate of the dynamical variable (observable). So the sense that the two seperate but identical experments can be compared, as a dynamical variable describing the relationship. Or two numbers describing the eigenvalues (observations numerical results) for the two seperate experiments. This dynamical variable I call C. See my essay above for a mathematical formulation of the observable C (which I call Consciousness), without considering commutation relations. This commutation relation is critical to formulate, so will be addressed in a future work.

    Here are the equations describing the experiments: C|C'>=C'|C'> and C|C''>=C''|C''>,

    where C is the dynamical variable/linear operator representing Consciousness (the the sense of Young's Double-Slit experimental results, and therefore the above essay's derivation), C' and C'' are the eigenvalues belonging to this observable (this could be MRI scan results, interference patterns, learning potential, etc.), and |C'> and |C''> are eigenkets of Consciousness, belonging to the eigenvalues C' and C'', q.v.

    If the experiments are performed simultaneously, as is planned, the two expermental results will be described respectively by the above equations. In order to deduce deep connections and relationships in relation to consciousness (or to compare the two experiments meaningfully), an observable like C (common to both experiments) must be used in both sets of equations (again as above).

    Now, it also commonly accepted that one photon always only interferes with itself. Two different photons always interefere. How then can we possible get any insight by comparing the two seperate experiments? Each intereferometer has it's own photon, interefereing only with itself. So what possible conclusions can be drawn about the two seperate photons in the two separate interferometer setups?

    The answer is in the beam-splitter of each experiment is subject to the same (if present) average buffeting of position by discrete space. This should be an identical effect in both experments and allows compaarisons. So, again, a common dynamical variable has to be used in both equations describing the interactions. I call it C. The aformentioned experimenters may have a different symbol that represents a common linear operator...

    FYI: All you astrophysicist, theoreticians and experts out there (as will has semi-professionals like yours truly): have no illusions that by ignoring my thread here and supplying feedback so scantily, that that in any way signifies that my work is not interesting, original or incorrect.

    Please contribute to this discussion.

    Otherwise, I may be forced to continue the derivation. And if that doesn't get the attention of potential science employers, I shall reveal my own Hypothoses per Universal reality, qm and 6-D supergravity.

    This experiment is dangourous to our Ideology. We as a civilization have finally reached a point where we are beginning to objectively intuit the biggest Questions that can be asked, due to these new experiments.

    For example, what if we do eventually prove that the Universe is not only digital, but is a virtual reality? What then? How do we proceed as scientists? As spiritual people? The answer seems to be that both aspects of humanity would be required to move forward in a Universe proved to be Virtual--A NEW discipline would then be needed, one that combines religious thought with scientific thought. But that's all boring speculation about future expermental result.

    Obviously, this researcher is skipping right over these details and assuming the Virtual Reality Hypothese right off the batt! I'm skipping right over the previous paragraph as assuming the results are true. In other words, this researcher is directing research and working on consequences of a Virtual Universe as if...

    I really want to be on that team performing that experiment. In Optics 401 (lab) as University we all performed the M-M interferometer experiment to measure the 'ether' (really to prove that there is no measureable ether), but I always felt unsatisfied with the design: the experiment only measures the beam interfereence in 2 dimensions, as the experimental setup is moving through 3 dimensional space. I always felt that the whole interferometer setup should also be rotated 'up' into this plane as well, and the ether measured. Normally, the interferometer setup is only rotated 90 deg. in the horizonal plane and the exp. performed again. My suggestion is a third measurement, with the setup rotated vertically also.

    Anyways, again (if you are listening) I would wish more than anything to work with those experimenters on this. At least they should consider adding the vertical (third othogonal direction) dimension when performing this experiment.

    Nevertheless, there is still this: if I am unemployed in a virtual reality, am I really unemployed? "Real" in this case means whatever the programmers of you reality decided 'real' would be. So maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, and getting a good science job requires me to get the attention of said programmer. In general, it is very easy to get the attention of the world. But mostly this is negative attention and requires no skill s or education. Specifically, getting the world's (and thereby the Programmer's/potential employers) attention in a positive, non-harmful way is much more difficult.

    So as I am trying to attain the goals of: movie star, famous author, sports star, politician, astronaut, philospher (which obviously the world has an unnatural affection for the first four), in order to get noticed (in a good way), I am nattering away in this nabob-deficient thread.

    I dare someone famous or exceptional in their fields to comment here, and burst my bubble-universe...

      Was rapidly typing, so must make the correction that in the above, this statement is totally false, " Two different photons always interefere. "

      The correct statement is: "Two different photons never interefere"

      P.S. This fact, along with the fact that a photon only interferes with itself, has led some to speculate that all the photons in the Universe (and other fundamental QM particles) are actuall the SAME particle (each to is singular Kind, eg. one photon, one electron, etc.). Travelling at light speed and experiencing no time, this one electron, for example, makes up all the electrons in existence, travelling through Time to be many place a t once. Seriously, I'm not making that up lol!

      SciAm's Preview of this Subject

      Feynman on the Discreteness Subject

      Please email me, Craig Hogan, I will mop the floor if I have to! Please allow me to contribute. One green physicist, with a B.Sc. in Science, Optics specialty, and Mathematical minor; avaiable at bargain-basement salary (little experierence) and willing to relocate anywhere. But when I learned of this experiment, it is obvious that if I had the luxury to choose whatever I want as a career at this point, this experiment is what I would choose to work on and be a part of. Please pass this on...


      • [deleted]

      Hello! Earth to all other Universes and Civilizations. We are using elliptically polarized light to encode our Greetings in a form difficult enough to take a long time to discover, and modulated and quantum-entangled rebustly enough to travel the entire cosmic horizon diametre of our own local MultiVerse, Sol Prime. Without significan losses due to intervening dark matter and interstellar dust. Still listening to Radio frequencies SETI, lol. Put these glasses on. They are simply polarizers that rotate in synch with our Greetings phase, alternate universe humans. There is life out there. It's more Us. So hello. Below is our MultiVersal representative. He's always some sort of einstein in each universe given. Everybody has heard about 6D SuperGravity. this dude invented it in this universe. See his page for more on the SuperPosition principle, The Bible, You, etc. The universe is digital. And your Scientist will soon prove this. Now what. We just told you.......>


        • [deleted]

        That's a website, not a proper representative of the multiverse. Here's the real inventor of SuperGravity in this Universe, which we like to call Terra Firma, where fqxi has a base, incidentally. Interestingly, among the countless levels of infinitude of universes thru out the inhabited Multiverses, there are three constants found in all: That website, E. Witten, & fqxi.org. Go Figure!

        Inventor of SuperGravity

        • [deleted]

        Bad link. In our secret pocket universe, we use the presence or absence of an fqxi.org website as the observable for the Type of Civilization that that Universe contains. The experiment actually determines whether we want to contact you or not, "Other UNiverses". If no fqxi website is present, the universe is an early civ. and we will contact them. If a site is present, their civ is Type 0-1. If the fqxi website is not present in the said universe, however other criterion are me, the Civ is Type II. Finally, if no site is present in the universe, and another (obviously secret) criterion is met the civ is likey type iii or above, to be avoided and not contacted, as likely superior to our own. Neat site that. Everybody rambling on and on about noses aproximately in front of faces. Indeed. And you call me the Witch Dr. I should go for a Ph.D. in being ignored. Already meet the minimum requirements. And can test out on many of the credits. It will be invisible, too. Like my fans. And my fqxi reputation. And plank sized, etc...

        10 days later
        • [deleted]

        Find us on Facebook. We know what your are thinking. Starting from $20 for a talking electronic translators that speaks 10k phrases. Deluxe model speaks most, about a million phrases. And understands 52 Languages.

        Universal Translators

          • [deleted]

          Oh, Yeah? I see your Reality and raise you lowest global prices 24/7 right now on Travel, Vacations, Hotels, Car Rentals and Cruises. Find us on Facebook instead...

          Quantum Traveller

          • [deleted]

          I see all your Realities and raise you All-In. On all of our pages we have prototypes of our newly invented "Keyword Superstores". Even though you may see 1000s of backpacks displayed on the home page, for example, all you have to do is type in anything in the search bar, and our many Partners excellent products will be displayed, by the thousands. Lowest prices globally, 24/7. right now... Everything Useful: happiness-producing, quality, protective, good, wholesome, inexpensive. That's how our A.I.'s define usefulness. Deal with it lmao...

          Quantum Singularity Backpacks


          "Making Tomorrow Happen. Today..."

          • [deleted]

          Do you get my drift yet? Trying to be a cynosure, still. Thx for that BG... Are we there yet? Or is it instead time to start the big Reveal, and start to show these denizens of a digital domain the hidden Federation? Nah, let 'em keep picking on this poor guy. He's quite famous in many other universes. Or so my future selves tell me...

          13 days later

          This Absolutely Compelling ClapTrap Ends Here as far as you know it...

          It continues here QW AI Blogger

          and hereTime's Conscience


          Let's hope these links work the first time, and I'll never see you again in here! it's been 'real'.

          In Conclusion of the Essay entered in this contest and as a last of these numerous Demonstrations of Worldly Multiplicity, in all of these threads here my Thesis and Hypotheses continue to be actually experimentally demonstrated, this Independent Research is continued (well, has actually always existed) on the following page. Everything Useful. A Syllogism that could save all of humanity. My site should be government contracted to complete with businesses and provide 24/7 lowest prices on all of our Partners products, anywhere. We began with auto parts, moved to costumes, flights, vacations, travel insurance, translators, hotels, school supplies, electronic science kits, robotics, toys, etc. Our original proposition was to create a website without regard to profit to supply everything useful (as we defined the term--see many previous explanations of the "Good"), making it possible for me, my families, fans and friends, and now everyone to be able to find anything useful wherever they are at the lowest competitive prices realtime. Use any search engine: search for quantum widgets parts, for example or hundreds of other combinations of quantum widgets "anything", and you will be shown based on search engine confidence and visitor satisfaction naturally our pages that have specifically what you are looking for. Guaranteed for everyone until 2014. No matter if i do anything with the site at all until then! paid for. my gift to america. use my site or my affiliates directly to strengthen our economy through intelligent choices on 'useful' things. Farewell. God Bless America! PsychoHistorical Economics Demonstration

          10 days later

          The most sage, even-tempered, calm and wise group of two would consist of two people, each suffering severe manic/depressive episodes simultaneously. If their diametric states are exactly 180 deg. out of phase, and if the periods of states are equal. That's a lot of ifs...

          Update to a quote by O. Wilde; quote follows: "The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about."

          Update: Except in the fqxi community, where most of the talking (or not) is done by famous, rich, rocket-scientists. Then it's a horse apiece. The only thing worse than being talked about in the fqxi community (or not), is to not have a voice in said heady company.

            And i thank you for this opportunity to talk to myself! Because it's in here, almost like i'm an actual member! Oh the horror of not even being considered. Whose paradigm do I have to shift to get my foot in the door, anyway?