Relativistic Expanding Mass (REM) Model
by Ted R. King Jr
The Illusion of Gravity
Another crackpot theory by an outsider? Einstein was a crackpot outsider--until he wasn't. Even if this model gets soundly falsified that would spare all of us from wasting any more time on it. So far this looks very unlikely. Exploration and refinement are called for by those who are qualified and enchanted by the possibilities.
Here is an alternative interpretation of gravity that addresses some widely acknowledged fundamental flaws in General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory that prevent their unification.
Like many in the physics community I strongly suspect the interpretations of our core experimental data need some fundamental adjustments. Here is an elegant, single postulate one that simplifies almost everything.
REM Postulate:
All mass is expanding, deforming the adjacent aether which is expanding enough slower to agree with General Relativity.
Newton's inverse square formula, contrived to match Kepler's geometric data, appears to be an ad-hoc construction to interpret gravitational mass as generating spooky action at a distance exactly equalling the inertial mass defined by his brilliant 2nd law by figuring out a gravitational constant fudge factor, G, to make them match. He admitted he, like we, had no idea of the nature of gravity to justify this interpretation, but it stuck because in his day there were no other plausible explanations. An expanding Earth would never have occurred to his generation, only force could move things, and his gravity as force equation, along with his 3 famous laws has endured to this day as the foundation of physics for it's predictive power, but, as Newton admitted, not for illuminating our understanding of the nature of reality. To this day the prevailing opinion is that nobody really understands gravity.
Einstein established beyond reasonable doubt that mass curves (actually deforms) space and time, and there is no such thing as gravity. Why have generations of top physicists, including Einstein himself, been beating this dead horse to no avail trying to quantize gravity to play nice with QFT?
What if Newton's 2nd is all we need? What if all mass is inertial mass? What if we don't fall to Earth, but Earth expands to run into us at 9.8m/s2. What if we are just non-accelerating inertial mass with no measurable spooky force at a distance to push us down and the only measurable force is upward against our shoes? That seeds a massive rapid phase changed physics and unblocks the road ahead.
Too outrageous? The only force when you drop an accelerometer is an upward g force on the dropper. Think about it. Is gravity the only exception to Newton's 2nd law?
This is no more outrageous than Einstein's crackpot (until it wasn't) relativity theory. There is no limitation on how far inflation can inflate in what we currently hypothesize is an infinite, flat, fixed density, inflating universe. Only the REM version of inflation applies to all mass, which is just confined energy, even at the subatomic scale, and to a deformable by adjacent mass or accelerating charge in a resurrected Luminiferous Ether which, being deformable, also propagates light. Einstein's spacetime "curvature" with the REM interpretation should almost all still agree with accepted experimental data, with no need for impossible singularities or negative gravity. At last, a visualizable model not only for "gravity" but for relativity as well! This moves the quest to understand physical reality to the exploration of the nature of the aether and the genisis of particles therein. This is worth serious exploration.
Einstein also showed us that mass in motion distorts spacetime, which can thus be treated as some kind of compressible "fabric" that propagates light, such that an observer in a compressed frame measures proper distance and time and thus light speed as c, and a less compressed observer "sees" the compressed rulers and time as shorter and slower. Thus the REM interpretation of the equivalence principle renders the laws of physics, except for now dethroned gravity, the same in any frame, accelerating or not. The only so far recognized evidence of this inflation is what we call "Gravity." Even unaccelerated mass in motion with respect to the local fabric would distort it accordingly and no observer could tell the difference any more than in Einstein's closed elevator model. That includes Michealson-Morley type experiments. Einstein's fabulous equations would still have mass telling spacetime how to "curve" and spacetime telling mass where to go, and the proper vacuum light speed would still be the same in any frame because rulers and clocks would accommodate to local compression.
How can the REM model be tested?
To be determined, of course, but the one obvious test is done every day all over the world when any object is allowed to free fall to Earth. It really is in free fall, "feeling" no 2nd law force (as would be measured by an accelerometer), and therefore no 3rd law opposition. Another major clue is that, neglecting air resistance, objects of different masses released from the same height hit the ground simultaneously. This is very strange since the other known forces described by QFT accelerate in their respective fields according to charge magnitude. Expecting the "gravity" field to act likewise fails as objects fall at the same rate regardless of mass.
ALL mass is inertial mass in the REM model, which solves the mystery of why "gravitational" mass equaled inertial mass.
Some Possible Implications to Explore
Black holes without singularities, just expansion at light speed running into the Schwarzschild radius. No need for singularity driven Big Bang .
Dark matter and dark energy explained by continuous creation which is required for constant density in an expanding universe.
The expensive, fruitless search for the graviton is finally put out of its misery
Deeper understanding of the "fabric" of space-time possibly leading to some parametric characterizations illuminating quantum theory and enabling first principle derivations of fundamental constants
Refiguring Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model
It seems so far that ultimately all mass is confined light in a single field with "particles" formed by topological wave interferences in confined space.
Faster then light warp drive by localizing and directing enormous bundles of energy
The role and roll of consciousness in the nature of reality - think about it as you wiggle your pinky!
We will never come close to understanding the nature of reality without delving deeply into the nature of consciousness. It is already clear that all human creations originated in human minds, and as yet no instance of the emergence of consciousness from matter has been reported. There is no valid reason to discard the idea that all of physical creation originates in consciousness, and not vice-versa. This accords with the most revered and enduring wisdom of the ages.
Two hints: time and space are human creations! There are unlimited realms of consciousness with a new one created at every point of selecting one alternative over another. Think parallel universes and unimaginable, to us, forms of consciousness!
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in our fledgling science.
Ted R. King Jr.