dear Tim,
Thanks again for your thoughts, some short remarks :
I like very much your "concept" cxmplx, it describes indeed the cxmpxity of our consciousness.
Again about "ideality" : Ideals are goals that maybe never be reached, an idea is a non-material perception that may be never be realized neither, but the diffence is clear, you can have an idea about an ideal, before reaching the I-deal you have to deal to act, and with an idea you have not to act materialistically but you can proceed spiritually. Therefore when you change the A to an O , you got I-Deo (the me that is God) and come to the concept IDeolity, the ID (identity and DEo are then together.(just thinking freely)
About non-causal and uncaused , I really had a long thought about it and have the following remark(s) :
Your "Uncaused" reminds me of the "Unmoved Mover" from Aristotle and indeed refers to the Creator that itself is not created. Non-causal is a concept that cannot be referred to in our causal universe, it is valid for ALL perceptions outside this causal universe including the uncaused. I know the difference is very minimal but it is there... what do you think ?
This brings me direct to your part 3 where you mention : "GOD himself". This is an expression that I do not accept, this is the way that religions are created for the deaf and dumb (sorry), It si not that we are created in his image, NO we are GOD ourselves in our uncaused (!) consciousness. My whole work is to try to give a new and fresh explanation of this GOD perception that is all along mankind for all times, just because each human being is creating his own image of GOD, and though looking in a mirror...So going back again to part one where you say "I am created" it is the "I" that is part of the WHOLE , the "I" that is unique and here in this prison of time mortal, try to ascend this prison and find your eternal "I" with ALL availabilities.
Creativity as over-estimation is in this prison indeed an over-estimation, because we are just using the material around us that is already created, so it would be better to talk about "re-creation" and that concept has w quite another meaning, or do we feel better after we created the stuff around us ? BUT creation in the way that we are talking about which is the creation of reality is not at all overestimated , but underestimated, because it is not understood...
part 2 : Your remark that NOW can not be point-like is a logic causal remark, we are here always inclined to look at the before and the after from a number or a point, that is why the eternity is not understood and leads to all kind of paradoxes...
What is the "meaning" of a way of thinking like determinism ? The only way i see it is that it leads to an temporary explanation, look for temporary because if anything is causal it is determinism, so all results will be only an approach untill they are reaching the point ZERO, that is the fate of this way of thinking...
Indeed "every knowledge is personal" just because of the fact that your consciousness is a singularty at the center of its SSS (Subjective Simultaneity Sphere) and each sphere has a different center at differnt locations, so the surfaces of the received signals are all of different colors...
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. I am That I am, it is great isn't it ? It is the perfect description of our beings. In Christianity it is explained by Jesus : The Father = Total Simultaneity, The Holy Ghost is Consciousness, and the Son is our mortal body (the illusion of matter).
"My individual development does not seem explainable without reference to such an ongoing relationship" Your SSS is receiving each moment new signals from other "I's" with also their own causal consciousness, but these other SSS's are on other places and times (see above) but perhaps united in TS , it is like "decoherence" that all the SSS's at a certain Planck moment are united , but this unification is a temporal happening, so we can never (even with the speed of our communication tools) being aware of the whole shebang in this causal universe.
end of part three:
The grey is everywhere in-between all your decisions, you never act like an algorithm with strong rules, because you think FREE....
best regards