Requesting valid falsification of block model as a proven panacea; Think of it: Correct group think.
Emeritus professor Richard Gill told me to put my concept infographic book online and to bring it under your attention as well.
There is a 3 page English Intro under the summary button and a long English summary to grasp some of the Dutch infographics [link:] world wide web.
I just started an open Facebook group More Millionaires No Poor No War link via the site.
As well as a private one under a slightly different name. You can contact me.
In short:
Whilst working on a multimedia project also containing an as yet in concept info graphic book ZIEL, I became aware of Dr Ingo Piepers research on the physics of human war and conflict.
His research is consistent with my model of the human brain
My model has now been tried and tested in practice. It works!
I thought that I would still have plenty of time to get the financing etc. in order taking say another three to four years to get artists to set up the multimedia affair in a professional way. Knowing that humanity will like most historians believe a new world war will sooner or later start because history repeats itself. That is to say when you don't look too close or not close enough and we humans keep making the same error in thinking what we humans are. Ultimately leading to world wars.
The block model is a proven game changer in this respect as mathematician and coauthor Hans Waalwijk agrees.
Although prof Richard Gill and I haven't checked his Ingo's data, and we both have serious doubts whether he's not overstating his position too much in claiming that his model shows that WW III will start in 2020 or at the latest 2022. The problem is I can't disprove that claim either.
Furthermore Ingo's model is in several ways an eye-opener for me. Not having spotted the silence before the storm lulling me into a false sense of security. And only thanks to him spotting the same algorithm in the many law cases / dossiers as a redline in the many data concerning situations - like countries also have - in which partners mostly due to financial constraints can't split up. Ingo has indeed confirmed me that that is the way he sees it as well. And it made me see the history of wars differently.
Hence the hurry.
My friend Richard Gill and I vehemently disagree on several issues, yet are totally agreed on how evidence and proof in law should work via my in effect Bayesian model for teaching this to lawyers.
We also fully agree on my point that people who don't have a decent income can't think properly, for the need to focus on financial survival. It leads to stress. Another point is that people also can't think properly when the peer group / or peer groups of the brain have stress. The model proves all human rights via its algorithms.
I.e. when the parents have stress the kids have stress, and will first usually start to misbehave, or show signs of burn out followed by more serious mental disorders. This works both ways. Kids stress is parents stress. And when as a businessman your clients have stress, you even unwittingly (!) will have stress because clients are your peers. All sorts of coping mechanisms come to play, yet the root cause is easily taken away by spotting that every human that behaves him or herself is as a fundamental not only legal, yet now via the block model proven best practice of human physics entitled to a decent wage as a function of half the GNP of the country / state you live in. Otherwise in the long run you will have overstressed the system causing literally suicidal amok! Akin what Dr Ingo shows!
Not having a guaranteed decent wage is per definition slavery. That is already forbidden by law and treaties BTW.
Furthermore my model shows that anyone who opposes this is - directly or indirectly a mostly unwitting or sometimes addicted - a slave trader. And, slave traders can't think properly either for focusing on how to keep the enslavement brain game going.
Although I'm frightfully nonreligious it is just like what Jesus said: "forgive them lord for they don't know what they're doing."
Oddly enough the block model shows the way how a Hindu type cast system but then a fair one as a base economy with on top of that a capitalist system is the only way it can work in this model. Leftwing, right wing and religious politics are in all our DNA. All nurture is nature in this model.
The major problem is now that what we humans are is inherently religious in the sense that it is neurologically internalized hypnotics as a survival trait.
It requires a paradigm shift that is a bit like performing exorcism. We are in my model as said prof. Dick Swaab type (classically mechanically quantum DNA) robots with no free will or meaning of life who need to due to lack of absolute proof and axiomatic baring inconsistencies on basis of the in my model most fundamental mathematical formula of brain and cosmos the Bayesian inference do the opposite: build a meaning to life and take it we do have a free will. The model is oddly enough consistent with all world religions taken as inspirational metaphors. Science is an inherent religion too yet to be taken literally when staying > 99% consistent with all data and Bayes.
At the moment and probably even for you, this will scare you and as Prof Swaab also states your brain will focus on the inverse: everything I write is deemed wrong. You then thus unwittingly hypnotically do what gives us lawyers justly a bad name. The synapse of our brain works Bayesian as does the order function of the cosmos.
Anyway, un-fathomly complex dynamically changing complex systems you shouldn't discuss on a stated opinion for that is then incorrect use of the argument of authority (namely not as a prior odds yet as a posterior odds) but test in a timely fashion.
I've made several predictions in the past that have been published under peer review NWA 2015 KNAW and have subsequently been detected: Higgs field, the Maltese cross photon (explaining that even better than science still not can do BTW), and gravity waves. I simply applied my legal Bayesian system on it and bingo! Predictable results. And, I also had put the forgotten instrument between the ears then. The search terms "casus ZPE" and "het vergeten instrument tussen de oren" where deleted so I could no longer find my 21 questions with clarifications in the many other questions. After a while having sent my then still untested block model to FQXi it became a million dollar prize question NWA didn't pick up on!
The human brain ONLY works in a proper group that anyone can learn to spot:
Actually the whole system will start working when everybody grasps that just by reaching consensus with the minority people with clear resounding voices (who always have irony and can learn to compose jazzy style music, such as Barack and Michelle Obama) after these having learned how to put the team in the correct order using their own instrument between the ears correctly. And strictly follow the Bayesian formula in numbers, words or pictures of the weighing machine keeping everything consistent. You use thus the algorithms and Bayesian formula to train the brain to think properly and get the team in order and work correctly without ego as a team on important issues. The model proves that we are all idiots. And only in certain areas of talent highly gifted. The genius of the model is that it isn't genius at all. My type is a 1/125 affair. And > 99% of it is well stolen old school stuff. Adding just a twist to mathematics and the block model.
As a quick triage to steed it up further:
Irony is an exact scientific fact that can be put on video. To be spotted by 60% of humanity. 90% females and 20% males. i.e. 40% of humanity doesn't have this ability for not being good enough at the geometry to spot paradoxes in the cosmos either.
Abstract Logic is that as well of course yet 40% of humanity lacks this ability as do most Dutch judges. 80% females and 10% males. No talent for mathematics only up to the degree that everyone has to learn to blindly / religiously follow the book.
The 20% that have both these talents 50% male and 50% female don't have talent to follow the book / bible.
Always test outside the inherent religious comfort zone.
Speed of brain is somewhat more difficult to spot, yet is the basis for the cast system that everyone will deem fair.
Less than 1% exceptions that then will have neigh certain serious anxiety problems. This model has no geniuses.
This block model will save science as well. Scientists at the moment can't think straight either.
We are probably to late yet, testing in the Netherlands and on the Antilles will render immediate results as I've shown in the Meinesz murder case as a lawyer. This because we Dutch with the Polder politics were nearly there and then started to follow the U.S.A. and we are now also politically decomposing.
Check it out. Try to provide valid falsification with Hans Waalwijk checking the logic. You may provide more mathematicians. Force psychologists to point out where the block model is inconsistent with any behavioral science.
I already know they can't yet no one dares to speak up afraid of an attack by their peers. The block model is something every 12 year old high school kid should learn to play at beginners level.
Humanity should stop earning money by solving problems we have created ourselves. It overstressed the system.
Also banks and the rich will see that this is best for them as well.
Gerhard Ris