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Community Discussions
5Discussions25PostsHigh Energy Physics
high energy unification physics, physics beyond the standard model, string theory, loop and other quantum gravity theories0Discussions1PostsCosmic Origins
origin of the universe, inflation and eternal inflation, predictions of eternal inflation, cosmological initial & boundary conditions, alternatives to inflation0Discussions0PostsNo Discussions (Yet!)Cosmology
cosmology after the first 'instant,' dark matter and dark energy, early universe physics, gravity and modified gravity, mysteries in astrophysics2Discussions6PostsComplexity
complexity and life, self-organizing structures, reductionism v. holism, consciousness and the brain, life elsewhere0Discussions0PostsUltimate Reality
fundamental nature of reality, nature of time and space, nature of physical laws, interpretations of quantum mechanics, physics/mind/mathematics, ontology and epistemology, multiverses and the anthropic principle0Discussions261PostsTechnology
breakthrough technologies, technology based on advances in fundamental physics, quantum computation and information1Discussions8PostsPhysics Announcements
job vacancies for physicists, conferences, meetings, and other announcements1Discussions5Posts
Article Discussions
A vibrant discussion about the articles posted in the FQXi Community site. This Forum category consists of discussions of the articles posted on the FQXi web site. There is one topic for each article, and you're welcome to submit questions or comments. Please keep your posts relevant to the subject matter of the article.1Discussions1PostsEssay Competitions
0Discussions0PostsNo Discussions (Yet!)Is Reality Digital or Analog? Essay Contest (2010-2011)
Here you can read and discuss entries in FQXi's 2011 essay contest. Please remember that the intention of this contest and forum is to provide a meaningful, open, and respectful discussion of the ideas brought forth. Commentary that is unconstructive, insulting, or excessively distracting from the core essay contest goals will be removed. As always, the opinions expressed in the essays and the forums do not necessarily reflect those held by FQXi. That said, feel free to join the discussion!0Discussions0PostsQuestioning the Foundations Essay Contest (2012)
November 30, 2012 -- Contest winners have been announced.0Discussions0PostsIt From Bit or Bit From It? Essay Contest (2013)
The contest is presented in partnership with The Gruber Foundation, John Templeton Foundation, and Scientific American.0Discussions0PostsHow Should Humanity Steer the Future? Essay Contest (2014)
See the winners at http://fqxi.org/community/essay/winners/2014.1Trick or Truth Essay Contest (2015)
All contest entries are now posted.0Discussions0PostsWandering Towards a Goal Essay Contest (2016-2017)
FQXi Essay Contest - Spring, 2017
0Discussions4PostsUndecidability, Uncomputability, and Unpredictability Essay Contest (2019-2020)
FQXi has finished its review of the votes.We have deleted all late votes and votes from people who were down-voting essays.0Discussions20PostsThe Nature of Time Essay Contest (2008)
Submissions to FQXi's inaugural essay contest. Please note:The Nature of Time essay contest is now closed to submissions and voting. The essay contest discussion forum will remain open for comments and discussion. The new topic and guidelines will be posted soon. Thanks! If you're new to the Forum, please read the important Forums Introduction, which has instructions and the Terms of Use that govern your participation in this community. The main rule is that inappropriate language (curse words, epithets, flame wars, advertisements, etc.) will not be tolerated, ever. In its sole discretion, FQXi will delete posts containing inappropriate language immediately and without regrets. Otherwise, this is a free speech Forum and all are welcome!0Discussions0PostsNo Discussions (Yet!)What's Ultimately Possible in Physics? Essay Contest (2009)
FQXi's 2009 essay contest Here you can read and discuss entries in FQXi's 2009 essay contest. Please remember that the intention of this contest and forum is to provide a meaningful, open, and respectful discussion of the ideas brought forth. Commentary that is unconstructive, insulting, or excessively distracting from the core essay contest goals will be removed. As always, the opinions expressed in the essays and the forums do not necessarily reflect those held by FQXi. That said, feel free to join the discussion! Please note: Prize Winners announced! http://fqxi.org/community/essay/winners/2009.10Discussions0PostsHow Could Science Be Different?
FQXi Podcast
public discussion of the FQXi podcast8Discussions174PostsVideo Competitions
0Discussions1PostsNo Discussions (Yet!)