- Edited
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVTJVZU2bXs
check out how well aligned is the animation with the voice over- narrator
clearly But Why? is doing its own animations/ special effects. first minute and 10 seconds for example
i dont want to do the same with my own native language
more valuable as experience it would if i do something new,
either in a new language like german or no language at all
deaf sign interaction
i may start a new field in neuro/psychology/communication research
what a person can do is not placed in the same bucket with language ,
nor language in the bucket of other skills and behaviors , even the brain is roughly the same ,
imagine an extraterestrial species that has multiple separate brain parts and one of those is specialized strictly only for communication,
---- can you imagine what sort of environment or extraterestrial identifying traits it might have ?
the brainstem in humans collect signals from ears and send them equal simetrically balanced in left and right
hemispheres at the same time. the synchronization times is used to establish where the sounds is
*lets see ...
that brain part could evolutionary originate in a need to process complicated sound and react quickly and has a kind of library of sounds that can comes from a noisy environment with dangerous sources of emiting sounds.
tipically a planet must be silence for energetic equlibrium, there are no sources of strong sounds in our environment, maybe volcano , lightning this is potentialy possibly the entire list, if there is an other medium with a lot more rich diverese complex sources of dangerously noises *
than , the out of earth species might develop a special brain modules that identify and reply back those sounds \
within their own grammar (the grammar of the complicated sound source environment) , besides doing other activities |
than necessitate their own specialized mind ability
maybe there is a solar system that just started to develop ,
here the editor of text has a kind of feature, while editing the
symbols :* \ |
i see then aligned one under the other , i wanted to draw a line from the word noises and place a box underneath with the extra details adnotation. and after posting it here i see the lines don't match up alignment
like above where there are four horizontal lines before the start of the question, [can you imagine ...]
and i rotate them 90 degree, like the question mark symbols sinuos line is bending . rotating clockwise , and the * before let see is like the questionmark dot
imagine an alien language that has other punctuation signs. (this question is equivalent with other i've already said , just using different words :P
in an invention of an intermedate communication device there could be a special interacting interface where those are easily accesible.
- an other potential development is: lets say humans in year 2500 will have a special brain module about how objects can be handled and recycled
already mentioned in a previous posts in various other ways, now a clearer reformulations the way e text is handled typed is also a kind of own language, just showing the end result , is cutting valuable communication information .
other idea do you want people to visit websites 24 hours-7 seven days a week 4 weeks a month 12months a year 2023- 2005 =18 years in my case?
you know in nature there are various number of seasons( between 1 and 4 maybe more in some places ), winter , atuum, spring, summer, the a store in real life have an operating schedule , the server might have optimised energey algorithms people have brains, the always available on demand create overuse.
the log data of server traffic is an other type of valuable communication information abstracted socially. (having the millions years evolution monkey brain standard )
we potentially know what is better for you and do nothing ,that's like the knowledge bliss/ curse
wires sans action,
a no i can download and 3d print a chair, or the business plan for a firm with 2000 employ
there are simply just to many options , and some this are being reduced by others , noo, we want freedom
the purpose of a new language (if possible?)would be to handle more options , and make fewer decisions,within certain patterns domain. environments
does a tree abstract information or it doesnt have acces to it , plants are the proof of environmental stability , what sort of environment change would help plants become conscious and become like animals?