- Edited
I think it would be more helpful to have a different name for 'light' .
an extreme would be to have a new name for each instance of light
in a way this happen anyway because the rest of the words of the sentence containing the word light
could be considered a coordinate system,
ď¸ ( 'light' )
i just noticed first time, a thing of the English language , that by adding the letter F to the word , the new word has something to do with birds, why is that only now.( this conversation) ?
because i never used the word to type it on keyboards. in other conversations, i could verify maybe i did but not paying attention to how is written.
function of light
f (light)
the English light travel like a bird zwischen locations A and B
i used/typed source of light above
yes ! there is an other meaning akin to easy to hold/ carry for the same word
this proves that i haven t used English language to learn physics/ optics.
verifying the email i have used it in an email in 2021 , not alone the word
light bulb ,is taken like an entire thing in the memory ,
this is an idea for education i had before last year
people learn words at school that are composed as such out of many particles words
and by using them with time they obtain new meanings
so to resume/ conclude (maybe repeat)
|(designing education with) a gradual reveal of meaning by the way words are structured and learned and used over |time.
|what does this mean ?
are there alternatives ?