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i have two answers for your reply firstly,
a psychologist, uses words in a language by voice sounds- in his therapy / consulting
i don't like that i have been to a course at university and scoped the field , the admission i bet in all coountrys uses
tests/ puzzles around - who knows what this and that word means, some fancy pronunciations for concepts
like playing crosswords puzzles around letters .
if you / someone can recommend me a competent person that try to do its activity avoiding the sound voice/letters writting medium . i' m quite interested to meet that person.
i don,t answer /completely reveal , how i think on a semi-public forum.
regarding alignment of events i have a high dose of skepticism myself.
that s why i look for evidences.
reformulate historically physics and mathematics have played a role in simplifying now we enter a phase where there are not any more simple things to be simplify .
some things are large and spread (at least in the abstract world for sure)
it is reasonable to try to study random and hazard by novel methods
science is based on replicable , if consciousness play a role in that?
it may be it may be not .wissenschaft ,
what is meaning , a state of the brain, after it has identified some matching patterns ,
the process of identifications enters a large timespan from seconds to years
meaning comes potentially after reevaluating a meaningless memory in the light of new data/experience
or it could be something innate
so there are multiple bins/ for meaningless some might me more meaningless than others,
there is an essay explaining abductive reasoning, i have the nicknamed author handwritten on a notebook
in todays world everybody has multiple levels of being more than reasonable
minds of people can get complicated and hard to self explain by simple communications
communication is the subject of shared experience language culture
understanding the why a certain idea or the reasons ,could take years of experience or minutes of carefully good learned skills
there are lots of possibilities
my aims tends towards encouraging a more deaf society , inventing visual languages ,
understanding quantum mechanics , this is inherently (or maybe not) probabilistic
the same idea that i said with psychology apply here
what else to say ?
there is a novel by isaac asimov - the end of eternity,
in that novel there are spatiotempral agents that can readjust history up to a area/place in time- named the forbidden years.
i just saw you have 2000 comments i think i should read more
this reminded me of the question of. how people meet each other ?
a comment on a forum might tell more about a person than a face to face conversation and viceversa
a person might present itself differently in each environment or with different people
in the novel the main characters find the right oposite misterious character agent coming from the forbiden years
reading that novel i thought is not applicable .
how to describe myself
i the moment i don't have a science fiction i could say that definitely i like it to be a source of inspiration
there is a connection between science fiction and what science is being worked on by the generations that comes after.
you miss major points with bad sci fi - this is also connected with language promoted by it ,
i could write a ton at the moment i don't care about the presentation
no effect
only by my own personal example ( i wait for the appropriate resources to start doing something , if anyone is interested )
if you work on building agi you miss the point of natural intelligence of society
writing is a form of lonely longly accumulation of thoughts discharged in letters based words
imagine a society where there is always communication no need to buffer thoughts
communication happens always and at the moment of the idea creation exactly aligned with the intended reaction)
the idea is not stored anywhere/ just change
( i mean this is the modern view tendance, the working class hero always busy, even the intelectual one)