• FQXi Podcast
  • Does Objective Reality Exist? Great Mysteries of Physics Part 4 -- FQxI Podcast

Not only does it he way in which 'light' travels mean there is no addition or subtraction or source object or receiver speed, *also there can be no observer relative perspective as the 'light' itself traveling through the environment is not seen . only observation products post receipt are seen.

*Only being 'light' when it is both wave disturbance and carried initiating particle


    light pollution is also a thing

    the year 4000 with plants adapted to public illumination and traffic noise

    Georgina Woodward
    The objective existence and happening of unseen 'light' as opposed to observation product called light, which is observer generated, points tot he flaw in the light clock argument and SR in general, relying on "what is sensorily given" to use Einstein's phrase.

      the tree are the source of light and the noise comes from biowaste dropped on special nearby reservoirs drums , by the vehicles on silent tracks

      The objective existence and happening of unseen 'light' as opposed to observation product called light, which is observer generated, points tot he flaw in the light clock argument and SR in general, relying on "what is sensorily given" to use Einstein's phrase.

      The objective existence and happening of unseen 'light' as opposed to observation product called light, which is observer generated, points to the flaw in the light clock argument and SR in general, relying on "what is sensorily given" to use Einstein's phrase.

      in plato's cave story, senses map what input is given , i saw a meme with a burning match having a shadow under the light of a lantern, both lights had , apparently , separated coexistence

      the boundary between reception and perception might be of the same sort

        cristi marcovici
        Sound waves from the distant machinery takes longer to arrive at the observer, than light reflected from the tree There is in that way a time dimension involved in awareness/
        The observer independent external existence is not completely separate from the observer generated awareness leading to perception. There are sensory stimuli inputs that travers the environment between.

        Georgina Woodward
        I meant to write 'point to'.
        I think it would be more helpful to have a different name for 'light' . the observer independent happening that is. 'light' is too similar to light the seen phenomena. Maybe it should be pre-light. it is not just electromagnetic radiation alone. it is not photon particle alone. A commination that demonstrates wave behaviour and indivisible particle behaviour. Detectable as a particle by it's effect on chemical photoreceptors. Detectable within the environment by wave interference affecting the location of the photo-detectable particle. The complete ensemble only exists when in the environment . See why the speed of light is not changed by speed of source or recipient. The divisibility of waves but not particle allows quantum behaviour at double slits and beam splitters to be understood, without need for abstract superposition.

          I think it would be more helpful to have a different name for 'light' .

          an extreme would be to have a new name for each instance of light

          in a way this happen anyway because the rest of the words of the sentence containing the word light
          could be considered a coordinate system,

          🔒️Ithinkitwouldbemorehelpfultohaveadifferentnamefor 🔒️ ( 'light' )

          i just noticed first time, a thing of the English language , that by adding the letter F to the word , the new word has something to do with birds, why is that only now.( this conversation) ?
          because i never used the word to type it on keyboards. in other conversations, i could verify maybe i did but not paying attention to how is written.
          function of light
          f (light)

          the English light travel like a bird zwischen locations A and B
          i used/typed source of light above

          yes ! there is an other meaning akin to easy to hold/ carry for the same word
          this proves that i haven t used English language to learn physics/ optics.

          verifying the email i have used it in an email in 2021 , not alone the word
          light bulb ,is taken like an entire thing in the memory ,
          this is an idea for education i had before last year
          people learn words at school that are composed as such out of many particles words
          and by using them with time they obtain new meanings
          so to resume/ conclude (maybe repeat)
          |(designing education with) a gradual reveal of meaning by the way words are structured and learned and used over |time.
          |what does this mean ?
          are there alternatives ?

          Georgina Woodward
          To be clear we need to differentiate the seen light phenomena and unseen physics happening prior to involvement of human senses or cameras, leading to the phenomenon of light. Seen light can be a beam of light having an intensity, maybe a direction or general illumination of an area, having a color or ambient ‘warmth’ depending on mix of frequencies. Seen light is light. The unseen physics happening prior to involvement of human senses or cameras, leading to the phenomenon of light is best not also called ‘light’, as that is ambiguous.
          Pre-light binary, seems appropriate an even better, more informative (occurring before the phenomenon of light and a combination of two parts)
          It is not just electromagnetic radiation alone. it is not photon particle alone. A combination that demonstrates wave behaviour and indivisible particle behaviour. Detectable as a particle by it's effect on chemical photo receptors. Detectable within the environment by wave interference affecting the location of the photo-detectable particle. The complete ensemble only exists when in the environment. The divisibility of waves but not particle allows quantum behaviour at double slits and beam splitters to be understood, without need for abstract superposition. It is modeled by macroscopic hydrodynamic bouncing droplet on oil bath models.**

            Georgina Woodward
            Does this mean Bohemian mechanics is correct? Not if the wave component is conflated with mathematical wave function, which is both the outcome to be obtained and outcome/s not obtained at that future time rather than a ‘material’ happening. Whether the base environment vacuum deserves to be called material is debatable. It is not necessarily like particulate matter we know. It may be perfectly springy. Matter can loose energy to the environment but the environment has nothing to ‘loose’ energy to but perhaps acts like a vibrating oil bath, animating the ‘walking’ droplet.

              Georgina Woodward
              No energy is used by the particle in moving itself. So in a vacuum the frequency emitted is the frequency absorbed by receiver. It is carried intact. We do know the base environment supports waves and there are wave interactions within it.
              Maybe Pre-light binary transmission in a vacuum is the means of achieving very fast, near lossless energy transmission.

                Georgina Woodward
                Re. the light clock thought experiment objection. Traveling between mirrors will be the pre-light binary beam, which is not received by the observer and so is unseen i, e. it is not formed into an observation product.
                The observation product is formed by stimuli scattered from the between mirrors space traversing Pre-light binary beam. What is seen and Pythagoras theorem applied to is observer generated product ,not the objective physics happening between the mirrors. That objective physics is happening unseen and so can not be effected by observer viewpoint.
                So moving clocks should by that analysis not run slow but be seen to run slow concurrently with stationary clocks. But telling the correct time when reunited with them. That being different from what is found with plane travelling clocks i.e. the seen change is not undone ,indicates an objective ,absolute not observer dependent alteration . More travel through the environment, therefore we can speculate there is more base environment resistance affecting time keeping.

                  What is seen and Pythagoras theorem applied to is observer generated product ,not the objective physics happening between the mirrors.

                  qu antic quity phenomena , as a figure of speech you can start a phrase by any words and still make the desired sense (arrive at the intended meaning) by the end of the sentence/phrase by search the right adjusting words; in a way this is similar with how the ancient Greeks search/eager for beauty, mistakenly/erroneously made their measurement of distances with, simple -easy to handle -instruments, entails more or less universal properties.

                    Georgina Woodward
                    continuing reply--the respectability of the ascent Pythagoras'' theorem should not cloud our judgement of whether it is being used correctly in this circumstance.

                    QM being mistaken, ( evidence for this: Lack of Object permenance and Lack of observer independent existence , both leading to vulnerability to illusion. / The 'seen this way' relativity of measurement and observation./ The measurement altering the measured so outcome is effected,./ Superposition of outcome states rather than absolute singular state without yet applied relative perspective,/ The illusion of entanglement due to ignoring observer independent existence.) does not by default mean Einstein's notion of reality was entirely correct. Actually read the objection i have given to the Light clock thought Experiment, that is used to support SR. It illustrates a problem with the theory itself. There is a difference between non dimensional i.e. Absolute material reality and from a viewpoint ( measured or seen this way) relative, and therefore limited, measurement or observation products. We do not bodily occupy 3+1 spacetime. That can be used to map observation products to which a singular perspective applies.

                      Georgina Woodward
                      There is lack of clarity about what is meant by the words ‘reality’ and ‘realism’, more specific language is required.
                      There is observation independent, absolute, existence and happening, That can be called Object reality. There is also observer generated, relative, limited, observation products. Which can be produced by an organic observer or inorganic device. This can be called Image reality,
                      Further processing within the human brain gives interpretation and association of the initial observation product with prior learning and memory. There can be influence of con- currently received stimuli, emotional state of the observer (pre-existing or reactive), gap filling with internally generated content to give a coherent interpretation of the received stimuli.
                      This further processing generates conscious perception and an understanding of it. That understanding is variable according to prior experiences and learning and inputs from con-current events. This is unique observer generated perception, rather than just awareness by the organism alone. Awareness may even be unconscious or subliminal. Uninterpreted and un-associated awareness via the sensory systems ought to be differentiated from perception. Awareness need not involve psychology (can be likened to functioning of a device), whereas perception does involve psychology. ‘Blindsight’ offers evidence of subconscious awareness, able to influence the behaviour of the organism.

                        Georgina Woodward
                        The photon stimuli received only supply frequency and intensity information., Interpretation/
                        and identification of semblances formed by the distributions of that information, other associations, understanding and meaning/significance is generated by the observer. Errors of identification, association, understanding and deciding what significance it has, can occur.

                          Georgina Woodward
                          A single photon delivers a frequency. Groups of photons deliver intensity too. Identification of movement, for example) is generated from the spatial change in the pattern of receipt.

                          Quote- "bottom-to-top processing of our visual world may seem the logical path, but it isn’t the whole story. Such a 'bottom-up' approach would be far too slow and laborious, but more importantly, it would render our visual world full of ambiguity and we would struggle to survive. Instead, our perception relies to a very large extent on our previous experience and other 'top-down' mechanisms such as attention. QBI Professors Jason Mattingley and Stephen Williams are both studying how attention can alter visual processing, using cognitive and cellular approaches, respectively-- Visual perception - Queensland Brain Institute - University of Queensland
                          Max-Planck-Gesellschaft https://www.mpg.de/10518004/from-retina-to-cortex
                          'From retina to cortex: An unexpected division of labor'